  • Tivara
  • A tivara was a Bajoran woodwind instrument, not unlike an Earth clarinet or oboe. Varani was a master of the instrument and gave a small performance in Quark's in 2370. Before the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Varani had played in such venues as the Jalanda Forum. He gave a holographic recording of that performance as a gift to the Skrreea woman Haneek. (DS9: "Sanctuary") During the Gratitude Festival held aboard Deep Space 9 in 2371, a trio of Bajoran musicians gave a performance on the upper level of the Promenade. One of the musicians played the woodwind instrument. (DS9: "Fascination")
  • A tivara was a Bajoran woodwind instrument, not unlike an Earth clarinet or oboe. Varani was a master of the instrument and gave a small performance in Quark's in 2370. Before the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Varani had played in such venues as the Jalanda Forum. He gave a holographic recording of that performance as a gift to the Skrreea woman Haneek. (DS9: "Sanctuary") During the Gratitude Festival held aboard Deep Space 9 in 2371, a trio of Bajoran musicians gave a performance on the upper level of the Promenade. One of the musicians played the woodwind instrument. (DS9: "Fascination") The instrument would also occasionally be played during services in the Bajoran temple aboard the station. (DS9: "Resurrection") It was also known to exist in the mirror universe. (DS9: "Crossover")