  • Luciferan
  • Luciferans are one of the Factions in Demon: The Fallen. Fallen who are Luciferans actively seek out Lucifer, the lost leader of the Rebellion, so that he may once again lead them in their cause. They are considered the most militant of the Factions. The Houses whose fallen are most likely to be Luciferans are the Namaru and to a lesser extent the Rabisu. The Halaku have very few Luciferans among their ranks.
  • Luciferans are one of the Factions in Demon: The Fallen. Fallen who are Luciferans actively seek out Lucifer, the lost leader of the Rebellion, so that he may once again lead them in their cause. They are considered the most militant of the Factions. The Houses whose fallen are most likely to be Luciferans are the Namaru and to a lesser extent the Rabisu. The Halaku have very few Luciferans among their ranks. The faction is led jointly by the Rabisu Grifiel and the Asharu Nazriel, who styles herself "Nazathor, the Princess of Majestic Liberation", and is rumored to have been Lucifer's lover once.