  • UnBooks:Blowing the bridges of Madison County
  • The Bridges of Madison County is a classic love story by Robert James Waller. For Whom the Bell Tolls is a book about blowing up fascists and their bridges and then sometimes having sex with a spanish girl by Ernest Hemingway. I wanted to transcribe both of them for unbooks so that their timeless beauty might live on if all books were burned or something. Unfortunately I did both at the same time while on some hard drugs and the result was this.
  • The Bridges of Madison County is a classic love story by Robert James Waller. For Whom the Bell Tolls is a book about blowing up fascists and their bridges and then sometimes having sex with a spanish girl by Ernest Hemingway. I wanted to transcribe both of them for unbooks so that their timeless beauty might live on if all books were burned or something. Unfortunately I did both at the same time while on some hard drugs and the result was this. Its a horribly humourless affair unless you're familiar with both books or (more likely) their respective movies. For that reason I deem it unfit for the average uncyclopedian since the average uncyclopedian reads, well, uncyclopedia.