  • Blue Wolf
  • Monster Level: Unknown Hit Points: Unknown Damage: Unknown - Unknown Armour: Unknown Base Experience: Unknown Combat Messages: No messages noted.
  • The Blue Wolf is a ravenous creature which guards the Boolooroo's Treasure Chamber on Sky Island. His head is as big as a lion's and his wide jaw is armed with teeth a foot long and sharp as needles. His shoulders and front legs are huge and powerful, but the rest of his body dwindles away until at the tail he is no bigger than a dog. (Sky Island)
  • A magical Wolf which had haunted the dreams of King Ortossi * It was spotted by him near the Six Sisters Source: King of Sartar
  • Monster Level: Unknown Hit Points: Unknown Damage: Unknown - Unknown Armour: Unknown Base Experience: Unknown Combat Messages: No messages noted.
  • The Blue Wolf is a ravenous creature which guards the Boolooroo's Treasure Chamber on Sky Island. His head is as big as a lion's and his wide jaw is armed with teeth a foot long and sharp as needles. His shoulders and front legs are huge and powerful, but the rest of his body dwindles away until at the tail he is no bigger than a dog. (Sky Island)
  • A magical Wolf which had haunted the dreams of King Ortossi * It was spotted by him near the Six Sisters Source: King of Sartar