  • Andel
  • Andel
  • Andel was the male captain and leader of a small pirate gang operating in the Shelsha sector. The BloodScar-pirate, Caaldra, was disposed to recruiting Andel's group and propositioned him to join. Captain Andel was not inclined to join Caaldra's organization, but told him that he would consider the business and give his answer in a week's time. However, he was killed during a skirmish involving the Millennium Falcon and the Hand of Judgment.
  • A 2004 (?) regular who lost a bet with Steinershocker, promised to leave forever, and came back. Comes back every now and then. Opinion on Andel ranges from "funny regular" to "Steiner's rival" to "annoying troll." Abuses the word 'meh' when arguing. Also has one of the funniest sigs on the board:
  • Andel was a Dalasian mystic who served as a physician and healer on Zakath's staff. Andel wore a light green, cowled robe and had the hood pulled up, which partially concealed her face. She also had the ability to contact Cyradis as all minds of the Dalasians were joined with Cyradis'. Andel was advised by Cyradis in observing that Zandramas was dominating and subduing Ce'Nedra.
  • Andel
  • Andel
  • Criminal
  • Andel
  • 0.500000
  • Andel was the male captain and leader of a small pirate gang operating in the Shelsha sector. The BloodScar-pirate, Caaldra, was disposed to recruiting Andel's group and propositioned him to join. Captain Andel was not inclined to join Caaldra's organization, but told him that he would consider the business and give his answer in a week's time. However, he was killed during a skirmish involving the Millennium Falcon and the Hand of Judgment.
  • A 2004 (?) regular who lost a bet with Steinershocker, promised to leave forever, and came back. Comes back every now and then. Opinion on Andel ranges from "funny regular" to "Steiner's rival" to "annoying troll." Abuses the word 'meh' when arguing. Also has one of the funniest sigs on the board:
  • Andel was a Dalasian mystic who served as a physician and healer on Zakath's staff. Andel wore a light green, cowled robe and had the hood pulled up, which partially concealed her face. She also had the ability to contact Cyradis as all minds of the Dalasians were joined with Cyradis'. Andel was advised by Cyradis in observing that Zandramas was dominating and subduing Ce'Nedra.