  • Read a book
  • From: [[]] You've read the books you brought with you as much as you can bear. Perhaps one of the other travellers will lend you something. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A decent read
Failure title
  • Nothing that's any good
  • 50
Failure description
  • A spicy novel that's had all the good bits excised with a razor. A lengthy polemic against […] depravities of music-hall entertainment. A treatise about the Fall's effects on the price of carrots. You'd have more fun reading the steamer's name-plate.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Pass Your Time: Nearing Journey's End
Rare Success description
  • You get hold of a ship-captain's journal. It's two decades old, but she does a good job of describing the lush and forbidding coast of the Presbyterate.
Rare Success title
  • A long way from here
Success description
  • You arrange to borrow a couple of passable novels. Gothic of course, but people write little else these days. There must be something in the air. You also find a copy of Musings in Purple, which will keep you occupied for a while.
  • You've read the books you brought with you as much as you can bear. Perhaps one of the other travellers will lend you something.
Action cost
  • 5
  • From: [[]] You've read the books you brought with you as much as you can bear. Perhaps one of the other travellers will lend you something. [Find the rest of the story at ]