  • PH
  • Ph
  • PH
  • PH
  • Ph
  • Ph
  • Ph
  • Aufgabe: Fragmentieren * Unfragmentierte Fundstellen * Unfertige Fragmente () Aufgabe: Sichten * Ungesichtete Fragmente: Plagiat () * Ungesichtete Fragmente: Verdächtig / Keine Wertung () * Ungesichtete Fragmente: Kein Plagiat () Aufgabe: Schützen (nur Administratoren) * Gesichtete, ungeschützte Fragmente: Plagiat () Bearbeitung vorerst abgeschlossen: * Gesichtete, geschützte Fragmente: Plagiat () | Sortiert nach letzter Änderung | Optimiert für Druck * Gesichtete Fragmente: Verdächtig / Keine Wertung () * Gesichtete Fragmente: Kein Plagiat ()
  • He is a orange stickman with a gray shield that he uses to slice the hell out of enemies. With it he is very dangerous. He is part of the Rock Hard Gladiators and is part of the RHG Clan Velox along with Rol, FLLFFL, Ubbercut, LFFLFL, and Default.
  • Το pH (προφέρεται πεχά) αποτελεί μέτρο πυκνότητας των ιόντων υδρογόνου σε ένα υδατικό διάλυμα.
  • In chemistry, pH (Potential Hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Pure water is neutral, with a pH close to 7.0 at 25 °C (77 °F). Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. pH measurements are important in medicine, biology, chemistry, agriculture, forestry, food science, environmental science, oceanography, civil engineering and many other applications including home fishkeeping.
  • pH is a quantitative measure of the acidity of a solution. pH is represented on a logarithmic scale from zero to fourteen. A solution is considered acidic if its pH is lower than seven, basic if greater than seven and neutral if exactly seven. For example, pure distilled water has a pH of 7. More specifically, pH is a measure of the concentration of Hydrogen ions in solution. It is given by the negative of the logarithm of the Hydrogen ion concentration in moles per litre to base 10.
  • pH, pOH ή pHaHa (ισπαγγλικά πεχά!) είναι επαυξημένο επιφώνημα. Συναντάται κυρίως στην Μπανανία όπου αντί για μμμμμ ΑΧΑ!!! λένε ....π! ΧΑ!. Το επιφώνημα αυτό εκφράζει έκπληξη, και επιμετράται με επιστημονικό τρόπο. Η μονάδα μέτρησης του πΧά λέγεται οξύτητα (ο). Για να βγάλετε πεΧά μεγάλης οξύτητας πιείτε ένα οξύ, θα δείτε με τί ένταση θα αναφωνήσετε πεχΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ!!!!, ενώ αντίθετα αν φάτε σαπούνι δύσκολα θα το φωνάξετε.
  • PH jest agentem EPF, który zajmuje się trenowaniem puffli w Club Penguin. Po raz pierwszy pojawiła się w grze „Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force”. Aktualnie nosi kapelusz, szary gwizdek oraz kremowy strój. Ma włosy koloru brązowego oraz piegi. Na początku była koloru różowego, ale po odkryciu brązowych puffli zmieniła kolor na brązowy. Posiada również australijski akcent. PH jest skrótem od „Puffle Handler”, ponieważ to jest jej zawód.
  • Her mascot is gone since Club Penguin has been shutdown
  • pH is a measure of the divergence of a solution from chemical neutrality, i.e. where water is self-hydrolyzing in equilibrium. This means every new hydromium ion (H3O+) is balanced with a new hydroxide ion (OH-), resulting from the self-hydrolysis of two water molecules (2H2O). Note that in both cases, the overall (net) charge is 0. Neutrality is defined as pH 7.0, where pH greater than 7.0 indicates basic consitions, while a pH below 7.0 indicates acidic conditions.
  • pH is a unit of measurement for the amount of hydrogen ions in a water solution. It is a logarithmic scale, which each full unit indicating an increase of ten times the concentration of the previous unit. Pure water has a pH of 7. A solution with a pH of less than 7 is considered acidic, and a solution with a pH of more than 7 is considered an alkaline. This article is a , please help House Wikia by expanding it.
  • pH has a big impact on the performance of bubble juice -- at least those made from dishwashing liquid. The optimal pH depends both on the particular detergent and the polymers. Some detergents are much more sensitive to pH differences than others. Some detergents (such as Japan's Charmy) become dramatically more effective when their pH is tuned. In some cases, tuning the pH can triple the detergent's effectiveness, allowing you to use 1/3 the amount needed for an untuned juice.
  • Club Penguin Island
  • Yes
  • PH
  • What Puffle Handler Looks Like.
  • Penguin
  • PH's Hat, PH Outfit
  • Brown
  • None
  • Agent Puffle Handler
  • You
  • All EPF Mascots,
  • You, All Puffles,
  • EPF Agent, Mascot
  • Aufgabe: Fragmentieren * Unfragmentierte Fundstellen * Unfertige Fragmente () Aufgabe: Sichten * Ungesichtete Fragmente: Plagiat () * Ungesichtete Fragmente: Verdächtig / Keine Wertung () * Ungesichtete Fragmente: Kein Plagiat () Aufgabe: Schützen (nur Administratoren) * Gesichtete, ungeschützte Fragmente: Plagiat () Bearbeitung vorerst abgeschlossen: * Gesichtete, geschützte Fragmente: Plagiat () | Sortiert nach letzter Änderung | Optimiert für Druck * Gesichtete Fragmente: Verdächtig / Keine Wertung () * Gesichtete Fragmente: Kein Plagiat ()
  • He is a orange stickman with a gray shield that he uses to slice the hell out of enemies. With it he is very dangerous. He is part of the Rock Hard Gladiators and is part of the RHG Clan Velox along with Rol, FLLFFL, Ubbercut, LFFLFL, and Default.
  • Το pH (προφέρεται πεχά) αποτελεί μέτρο πυκνότητας των ιόντων υδρογόνου σε ένα υδατικό διάλυμα.
  • In chemistry, pH (Potential Hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Pure water is neutral, with a pH close to 7.0 at 25 °C (77 °F). Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. pH measurements are important in medicine, biology, chemistry, agriculture, forestry, food science, environmental science, oceanography, civil engineering and many other applications including home fishkeeping.
  • pH is a quantitative measure of the acidity of a solution. pH is represented on a logarithmic scale from zero to fourteen. A solution is considered acidic if its pH is lower than seven, basic if greater than seven and neutral if exactly seven. For example, pure distilled water has a pH of 7. More specifically, pH is a measure of the concentration of Hydrogen ions in solution. It is given by the negative of the logarithm of the Hydrogen ion concentration in moles per litre to base 10.
  • pH, pOH ή pHaHa (ισπαγγλικά πεχά!) είναι επαυξημένο επιφώνημα. Συναντάται κυρίως στην Μπανανία όπου αντί για μμμμμ ΑΧΑ!!! λένε ....π! ΧΑ!. Το επιφώνημα αυτό εκφράζει έκπληξη, και επιμετράται με επιστημονικό τρόπο. Η μονάδα μέτρησης του πΧά λέγεται οξύτητα (ο). Για να βγάλετε πεΧά μεγάλης οξύτητας πιείτε ένα οξύ, θα δείτε με τί ένταση θα αναφωνήσετε πεχΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ!!!!, ενώ αντίθετα αν φάτε σαπούνι δύσκολα θα το φωνάξετε.
  • PH jest agentem EPF, który zajmuje się trenowaniem puffli w Club Penguin. Po raz pierwszy pojawiła się w grze „Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force”. Aktualnie nosi kapelusz, szary gwizdek oraz kremowy strój. Ma włosy koloru brązowego oraz piegi. Na początku była koloru różowego, ale po odkryciu brązowych puffli zmieniła kolor na brązowy. Posiada również australijski akcent. PH jest skrótem od „Puffle Handler”, ponieważ to jest jej zawód.
  • pH is a unit of measurement for the amount of hydrogen ions in a water solution. It is a logarithmic scale, which each full unit indicating an increase of ten times the concentration of the previous unit. Pure water has a pH of 7. A solution with a pH of less than 7 is considered acidic, and a solution with a pH of more than 7 is considered an alkaline. Different portions of the body have different normal pH levels, and this can be helpful in a diagnosis. Stomach acid can have a pH as low as 1.5. Skin is normally slightly acid as well, with a pH of around 5.5. However, pancreatic secretions are very alkaline, with a pH of about 8.5. This article is a , please help House Wikia by expanding it.
  • Her mascot is gone since Club Penguin has been shutdown
  • pH has a big impact on the performance of bubble juice -- at least those made from dishwashing liquid. The optimal pH depends both on the particular detergent and the polymers. Some detergents are much more sensitive to pH differences than others. pH is a measure of water-based solution's acidity or basicity. It is an important factor in making quality bubble juice. Ingredients such as baking powder, citric acid, baking soda, and vinegar are often used to tune a bubble juice's pH into the optimal range. For technical information about pH, see the Wikipedia article. In addition to the material below, see the pH Adjusters and Water Conditioners article for information about ingredients use to adjust the pH. Getting bubble juice pH right has many benefits. When the pH is optimal, bubbles tend to be stronger, easier to close and longer-lived than with untuned bubble juice. Optimizing the pH may also (depending on the detergent) have a dramatic impact on the detergent's efficiency allowing less detergent (sometimes much less) to be used to achieve the same film thickness. The difference is often quite dramatic. In some cases, the difference is subtle but distinct. The optimal pH range depends on the particular detergent as well as the polymers. Distinct effects at different pHs. With Dawn, Fairy and related detergents, there are two distinct effects that kick in at different pH values. For dilute solutions (let's say 16 or 18 to 1 or more dilute), there is a distinct improvement in bubble longevity and the ease with which large bubbles can be closed somewhere around pH 8.3. Unadjusted bubble juice will usually have a pH of 9.0-9.2 (depending somewhat on the water used). When the pH falls below about 7.6 (it could be somewhat higher), there is a distinct improvement in the detergent efficiency which results in a thinner (as evidenced by the color profile) but stronger (as evidenced by longevity) film than unadjusted juice. Some detergents (such as Japan's Charmy) become dramatically more effective when their pH is tuned. In some cases, tuning the pH can triple the detergent's effectiveness, allowing you to use 1/3 the amount needed for an untuned juice. Most detergents (there are exceptions, though) yield a bubble juice with a pH well over 8.1 when combined with tap or distilled water. Most Procter & Gamble detergents (such as Dawn, Fairy and Dreft) and Japan's Charmy, seem to work best when the bubble juice has a pH in the range of 7.0 - 7.6. A little bit higher or lower, may also be included in the range. At this time (Dec. 2013), the range is not strongly defined. There seems to be consensus that this range works well, and experiments are starting to see if there is a sweet spot that works particularly well. pH and dilution. There are some surprises when diluting many detergents. When you add distilled water (pH 5.5-7.0 depending on its exposure to air) to pure Dawn Pro (or similar) the pH rises from about 8.5 to about 9.1 at a dilution of 20:1. This explains why pH adjustment is so much more critical for dilute solutions (above about 16 or 18 to 1) than for core concentrated solutions. Aug 2014 NOTE: We are currently exploring the reasons for this behavior and mapping dilution to pH to see if it yields information that we can use in bubble brewing and comparing detergents). The value of pH adjustment. Optimizing a juice's pH can have a dramatic impact on juice with some dilutions and in some conditions. In other conditions, the difference may not be so pronounced. Some recent tests on a cool humid (80% RH) morning showed subtle differences between juice at ph 7.4 and 9.0 (which is the normal pH of water and Dawn Pro at 20:1). In the early evening, when humidity was just over 50%, the difference in performance was dramatic with the pH-adjusted bubbles being much easier to form and lasting much longer (on average) than the unadjusted juice. The impact of pH-adjustment is much more dramatic with solutions that are somewhat dilute (with Dawn Pro the impact goes up substantially when the dilution is 16:1 or greater). Dependencies. The optimal pH will depend on both the detergent being used and the polymer. While most bubble polymers seem to work well in a broad range of pHs, Japanese PVA laundry starch-based mixes do not work well when the pH is lowered (at least with baking powder). Outside the range. For Dawn/Fairy-based juice, the optimal range seems to be 7.4-8.2. If the pH is over about 7.8 you lose the obvious impact on detergent efficiency (as evidenced by the color profile). The effect on film thickness seems to kick in somewhere in the 7.6-8.0 range and does not change noticeably as the pH drops more. Juice can work quite well in the low 8's. Performance degrades somewhere over 8.3. Dawn-based juice with a low pH (let's say 6.7-6.8) can work better than unadjusted juice, but if the pH goes lower, the juice may not work at all. Juice with a pH below 7 seems not quite as friendly as when the pH is above 7.0. PH RANGE NOTE (March 2014). Some casual testing seems to indicate that Dawn Pro-based bubble juice was usable at pH 6.8 but performed less well than juice that had a pH of about 7.4. Also, juice with a pH of about 7.9 performed less well than the pH 7.4 juice. Ghosting in the pH 7.9 juice was weaker than with the 7.4 juice. It is not clear whether the pH difference or the alkalinity difference was the primary factor related to the ghosting.
  • pH is a measure of the divergence of a solution from chemical neutrality, i.e. where water is self-hydrolyzing in equilibrium. This means every new hydromium ion (H3O+) is balanced with a new hydroxide ion (OH-), resulting from the self-hydrolysis of two water molecules (2H2O). Note that in both cases, the overall (net) charge is 0. Neutrality is defined as pH 7.0, where pH greater than 7.0 indicates basic consitions, while a pH below 7.0 indicates acidic conditions. Divergence from neutrality is enacted by adding an acid or a base to water. Once the acidic or basic species has been added, reactions will ensue between water molecules and the acid/base molecules, which will result in a shift away from pH 7.0. The magnitude of this shift is proportional to the strength of the acid/base being added. Whereas bases will "strip" protons from the water molecules (forming OH- ions), acids will attach protons to the water molecules (forming H3O+ ions). pH is often physically measured by utilizing electrodes that detect variances in the permeability of positively charged ions (e.g.K+ or Na+) across a semi-permeable glass barrier. This effect depends on the number of H3O+ species present in the solution, and is reliant upon the creation of an electrochemical gradient across the glass barrier.
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