  • Treetown
  • Young people went to Treetown to learn how to live together with dinosaurs. It was also where youths trained for the Dinosaur Olympics, and the winners got the opportunity to go on and become Habitat Partners if they passed the additional associated training. Will Denison, accompanied by his father Arthur and their guide Bix, spent many weeks here in 1865. The training offered by this village was part of Will's course to become a Skybax Rider. At this time the matriarch of Treetown was Norah.
  • Young people went to Treetown to learn how to live together with dinosaurs. It was also where youths trained for the Dinosaur Olympics, and the winners got the opportunity to go on and become Habitat Partners if they passed the additional associated training. Will Denison, accompanied by his father Arthur and their guide Bix, spent many weeks here in 1865. The training offered by this village was part of Will's course to become a Skybax Rider. At this time the matriarch of Treetown was Norah.
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