  • Chicxulub Impact Event
  • Name: Chicxulub Impact Event Classification: Asteroid Impact when an asteroid from the Baptistina family impacted earth around 66.054 to 66.032 million years ago. Powers and Abilities: High kinetic energy impact of a 10-km wide fast moving asteroid caused high immediate release of energy, global mega-tsunamis, a massive change in climate for years to come, along with huge ocean acidification. Attack Potency: Large Country level (Struck Earth with an impact force of 100 teratons of TNT) Speed: Unknown, possibly High Hypersonic (Meteors can crash-land at an average of 11km to 17km per second)
  • Name: Chicxulub Impact Event Classification: Asteroid Impact when an asteroid from the Baptistina family impacted earth around 66.054 to 66.032 million years ago. Powers and Abilities: High kinetic energy impact of a 10-km wide fast moving asteroid caused high immediate release of energy, global mega-tsunamis, a massive change in climate for years to come, along with huge ocean acidification. Attack Potency: Large Country level (Struck Earth with an impact force of 100 teratons of TNT) Speed: Unknown, possibly High Hypersonic (Meteors can crash-land at an average of 11km to 17km per second) Range: 90 kilometers in radius. File:Impact4.jpg