  • The Duchess of Malfi
  • The Duchess of Malfi is a 17th century play by the English dramatist John Webster. Peter Alden once took Corazame to see a production of The Duchess of Malfi in London. Corazame found the story silly, but liked how the production looked and sounded. (DS9 novel: The Missing) The novel Storming Heaven begins with a quote from The Duchess of Malfi, "Wisdom begins at the end".
  • The Duchess of Malfi is a play by John Webster. It was referenced in the novel Sleeping Murder. Passage used: Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle: she died young.
  • The Duchess of Malfi is a 17th century play by the English dramatist John Webster. Peter Alden once took Corazame to see a production of The Duchess of Malfi in London. Corazame found the story silly, but liked how the production looked and sounded. (DS9 novel: The Missing) The novel Storming Heaven begins with a quote from The Duchess of Malfi, "Wisdom begins at the end".
  • The Duchess of Malfi is a play by John Webster. It was referenced in the novel Sleeping Murder. Passage used: Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle: she died young.