  • Rōmura Kizune
  • Emperor Rōmura Kizune (創音 狼党, Kizune Rōmura) was the leader of the Kizune clan and the first Emperor of Earth. He lived in the oldest known era where war between mankind is normal and Chakra has yet to be known. His life was a roller coaster; born as a musical genius, loved peace and music, turned into a slave, became a King and then the first Emperor of Earth after invaded and united half of the world. He would have conquered the whole world had Kaguya not consumed the fruit of Shinju and stopped him.
  • Emperor Rōmura Kizune (創音 狼党, Kizune Rōmura) was the leader of the Kizune clan and the first Emperor of Earth. He lived in the oldest known era where war between mankind is normal and Chakra has yet to be known. His life was a roller coaster; born as a musical genius, loved peace and music, turned into a slave, became a King and then the first Emperor of Earth after invaded and united half of the world. He would have conquered the whole world had Kaguya not consumed the fruit of Shinju and stopped him.