  • Bakugan V: Skyrim
  • Bakugan V: Skyrim is a fictional season 5 for the show related to the popular RPG game Elder Scroll V: Skyrim. For those you who are not familiar with the Elder Scroll series and the latest of the series games Skyrim, you can read more about this here: Elder Scroll V: Skyrim Since no one can decided on the fifth season of Bakugan, here’s a fictional one. Skyrim is the fifth installment of the Elder Scroll series, so this is a fictional season 5 for Bakugan. This is a multi-writer story for fun. Do whatever the Hell ya want!
  • Bakugan V: Skyrim is a fictional season 5 for the show related to the popular RPG game Elder Scroll V: Skyrim. For those you who are not familiar with the Elder Scroll series and the latest of the series games Skyrim, you can read more about this here: Elder Scroll V: Skyrim Since no one can decided on the fifth season of Bakugan, here’s a fictional one. Skyrim is the fifth installment of the Elder Scroll series, so this is a fictional season 5 for Bakugan. This is a multi-writer story for fun. Do whatever the Hell ya want! Elder Srcoll V: Skyrim is a game where you can design your own character and fight dragons. You are known as the Dragonborn and must stop Alduin, the World Eater. There is also a civil war between the Nords(Natives of Skyrim) and the Imperials who kicked out the God Talos from the Nine because the elves complained that Talos was not a real god. There are hundreds of side missions and groups one can join to entertain the player.