  • 668 (neighbor of the beast)
  • 668 is the neighbor of the beast as stated by Paul Green in the movie Rock School. Contrary to popular belief the inhabitant of 668 is a middle aged man named Carl who refuses to sell his house despite generous offers from Aleister Crowley, Ozzy Osbourne, Jimmy Page, Marilyn Manson, Boyd Rice or various other Satanists. Carl doesn't want to move away. He likes his house. He just wishes the Satans next door could be more like his neighbors at 667 across the street or the Johnsons down the road at 664, they seem like nice people. Carl has made several calls to the Satans requesting they stop the screaming and sounds of anguish he hears, also he asks if they could do something about the smell of brimstone that constantly pours from the house. His calls are unsuccessful and Lucifer Satan repli
  • 668 is the neighbor of the beast as stated by Paul Green in the movie Rock School. Contrary to popular belief the inhabitant of 668 is a middle aged man named Carl who refuses to sell his house despite generous offers from Aleister Crowley, Ozzy Osbourne, Jimmy Page, Marilyn Manson, Boyd Rice or various other Satanists. Carl doesn't want to move away. He likes his house. He just wishes the Satans next door could be more like his neighbors at 667 across the street or the Johnsons down the road at 664, they seem like nice people. Carl has made several calls to the Satans requesting they stop the screaming and sounds of anguish he hears, also he asks if they could do something about the smell of brimstone that constantly pours from the house. His calls are unsuccessful and Lucifer Satan replies with an irate "DO YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK I AM?!?!?!?!" then curtly hangs up. Carl finds this very rude. He has called the police several times, and the homeowners association as well, but they have a nasty habit of bursting into flames when they reach the property. Carl is very tired of his neighbors. Carl needs a nap.