  • 779
  • 779
  • 779
  • El setecientos setenta y nueve (779) es el número natural que sigue al 778 y precede al 780. Categoría:Números
  • Lena fühlt sich von Annette, die beweisen will, dass Peter nicht aus Liebe zu seinen Töchtern nach Essen gekommen ist, bevormundet. Es kommt zu einem heftigen Streit zwischen den Schwestern. Lena erkennt, dass es so nicht weitergehen kann und trifft eine harte Entscheidung. Stella wird in letzter Sekunde von den alarmierten Rettungskräften gerettet. Als sie aus dem Krankenhaus zurück kommt, wartet schon der aus Amerika zurückgekehrte Lars auf sie. Es gelingt ihr, ihre Diabetes vor Lars zu verheimlichen, doch am nächsten Morgen steht er vor ihr und will wissen, ob sie ihm etwas zu sagen hat. Annette muss akzeptieren, dass Lena den Kontakt zu Peter nicht abbrechen will. Doch dann kommt Annette dahinter, dass Peter sie mit dem Kindheitsfoto getäuscht hat - er hat es aus ihrem eigenen Fotoalbu
  • Carl goes into the mausoleum right away. Barnabas stops by Rachel Drummond's grave and wonders if he will ever meet her again. Angelique is there, watching. She tells him he has very little time left here. He must go to his coffin for now, she knows that. She wants him to go back to his own time. He has to stay to save David and Chris Jennings. She has helped him in the past. She tells him this is his last chance; he knows it would be useless for him to ask her to explain that. He asks if what he will have to face will be so terrible. The rooster crows and he must leave, telling her he will leave…but not the past, just for his coffin.
  • 779
  • 1969-06-10
  • 770
  • 1897
  • 1969-06-19
  • 779
  • Carl goes into the mausoleum right away. Barnabas stops by Rachel Drummond's grave and wonders if he will ever meet her again. Angelique is there, watching. She tells him he has very little time left here. He must go to his coffin for now, she knows that. She wants him to go back to his own time. He has to stay to save David and Chris Jennings. She has helped him in the past. She tells him this is his last chance; he knows it would be useless for him to ask her to explain that. He asks if what he will have to face will be so terrible. The rooster crows and he must leave, telling her he will leave…but not the past, just for his coffin. Carl, outside the mausoleum, sees Barnabas go inside it. "Barnabas. Barnabas is the vampire!" He runs away. Quentin's been drinking and Magda returns, both being sarcastic to each other. Of the gypsies, Quentin says, "How they must have laughed when you told them you had turned a Collins into a werewolf." When there is a full moon, there is a ceremony she can perform. Carl comes in and wants her to go. "Mr. Carl, what is it? You don't like me any more?” Magda laughs, "It's always a pleasure to leave this house," as Carl strongly suggests Quentin make her leave. She goes. When Carl tells Quentin about the vampire, Quentin is clear that he thought it was Laura who made Dirk a vampire. Quentin quickly believes Carl about Barnabas being the vampire. Carl moves to get a gun but Quentin muses over Barnabas' portrait. At the mausoleum, Quentin admits to Carl, "I don’t know what I’m feeling." They figure this Barnabas Collins is the original, their ancestor. Quentin opens the coffin and they see Barnabas. Instead of shooting Barnabas, Quentin, who is told by Carl that Carl himself does not know how to get out of the room, holds the gun at Carl. Carl says, "I thought I was the only one who plays the jokes." Quentin backs out and locks Carl in the room. Upset at all this, Quentin goes to the Old House and checks Magda's neck. He threatens her and tells her he knows the truth about Barnabas. Magda laments about another murder, "No. Too many people are suspicious now. We've got to stop it or we'll all be found out, it is in the cards!" As Carl screams, Magda suggests they call Angelique for help. Angelique does come but calls Magda an amateur. Magda knows that Angelique loves Barnabas. Angelique says, "He always needs me." She can make Carl forget. Angelique says that she doesn't care anymore. Magda laments, "No. It must not end this way. It must not." Carl finds the way out and the door opens.
  • El setecientos setenta y nueve (779) es el número natural que sigue al 778 y precede al 780. Categoría:Números
  • Lena fühlt sich von Annette, die beweisen will, dass Peter nicht aus Liebe zu seinen Töchtern nach Essen gekommen ist, bevormundet. Es kommt zu einem heftigen Streit zwischen den Schwestern. Lena erkennt, dass es so nicht weitergehen kann und trifft eine harte Entscheidung. Stella wird in letzter Sekunde von den alarmierten Rettungskräften gerettet. Als sie aus dem Krankenhaus zurück kommt, wartet schon der aus Amerika zurückgekehrte Lars auf sie. Es gelingt ihr, ihre Diabetes vor Lars zu verheimlichen, doch am nächsten Morgen steht er vor ihr und will wissen, ob sie ihm etwas zu sagen hat. Annette muss akzeptieren, dass Lena den Kontakt zu Peter nicht abbrechen will. Doch dann kommt Annette dahinter, dass Peter sie mit dem Kindheitsfoto getäuscht hat - er hat es aus ihrem eigenen Fotoalbum entwendet! Wird Peter zu seiner Lüge stehen, wenn Annette ihn vor Lena damit konfrontiert?
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