  • The King 2 Hearts/YMMV
  • {{quote| Jae Ha: I'm a prince! We shared a room and spent WAY more time together! How could she like [Shi Kyung] more? Jae Shin: You like unni that much? Jae Ha: (crickets)Jae Shin: (walkes to the closet) You hear that, unni?Hang Ah: Are you afraid?Jae Ha: Yes. Of everything. Except you. I don't think I can trust people anymore.
  • {{quote| Jae Ha: I'm a prince! We shared a room and spent WAY more time together! How could she like [Shi Kyung] more? Jae Shin: You like unni that much? Jae Ha: (crickets)Jae Shin: (walkes to the closet) You hear that, unni?Hang Ah: Are you afraid?Jae Ha: Yes. Of everything. Except you. I don't think I can trust people anymore. * Tear Jerker: * What Do You Mean It's Not Political?: A constant theme of Korean reunification runs throughout the drama. * In the very first scene of the show, the Berlin Wall falls. * Jae Ha plays Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod) version and declares, "Bach and Gounod were born in different places. In different times. Their music fitting together like this is amazing." * During the WOC games, Hang Ah delivers a heartfelt speech to an American soldier who claims that it's "just a game."