  • Aura Shifting
  • Molly will be able to see, alter and manipulate her own aura. This will be done by changing certain qualities of the aura, and morphing or shifting certain attributes of the aura to something different. For example, she could change her mood by shifting the colour of her aura. Her health could also be altered, as giving herself a glowing aura would give perfect health. However, she will be more likely to rely upon her phoenix mimicry than to do this. She will also be able to manipulate the aura to change her other abilities, but will do so rarely, usually only in extreme need. She will be unable to alter her own future via her aura, since she will never see her own precognitive aura, despite possessing aura precognition.
ability to
  • alter one's own aura
  • Molly Walker World 8 Caleb Sanders
  • Aura Shifting
  • Caleb changing the colour of his aura
  • Molly will be able to see, alter and manipulate her own aura. This will be done by changing certain qualities of the aura, and morphing or shifting certain attributes of the aura to something different. For example, she could change her mood by shifting the colour of her aura. Her health could also be altered, as giving herself a glowing aura would give perfect health. However, she will be more likely to rely upon her phoenix mimicry than to do this. She will also be able to manipulate the aura to change her other abilities, but will do so rarely, usually only in extreme need. She will be unable to alter her own future via her aura, since she will never see her own precognitive aura, despite possessing aura precognition.