  • Fire Style: Flaming Fists of Justice
  • Flaming Fists of Justice is the combination of any taijutsu move and fire style chakra. The move can be used in any limb and burns on contact. The caster is immune to these burns until they make contact with enemy skin. Flaming Fists is remotely similar to Fire Armor but watered down and easier for more less experienced shinobi to use. The jutsu has the added advantage of increasing the power and speed of taijutsu making it easier to attack in a barrage.
debut shippuden
  • No
literal english
  • Flaming Fists of Justice
jutsu rank
  • D
unnamed jutsu
  • No
jutsu range
  • Short
Movie debut
  • Fan Fiction Only
jutsu class type
  • Offensive
jutsu media
  • Movie
  • Hitomi Itazura,
  • Flaming Fists of Justice is the combination of any taijutsu move and fire style chakra. The move can be used in any limb and burns on contact. The caster is immune to these burns until they make contact with enemy skin. Flaming Fists is remotely similar to Fire Armor but watered down and easier for more less experienced shinobi to use. The jutsu has the added advantage of increasing the power and speed of taijutsu making it easier to attack in a barrage.