  • Reality bomb
  • Reality Bomb
  • Reality Bomb
  • Die Realitätsbombe kann ausgelöst werden, wenn sich 27 Planeten von bestimmter Größe und Rotation in der Medusa Kaskade befinden. Der Vorgang besteht darin, das mit der dadurch erzeugten Z-Neutrino-Energie alle Atome geteilt werden, die dann zu Staub zerfallen. Durch diesen diesen Vorgang wird die Wand, die Paralleluniversen und unser Universum voneinander trennt, aufgelöst, was zur Zerstörung aller Universen führt. (The Stolen Earth, Journey's End)
  • The Reality Bomb was a powerful explosive designed by the insane Davros to try and destroy all of reality, it is one of the most powerful and deadly weapons known in the Doctor Who universe.
  • Tier: 3-A. 2-A via chain reaction, by detonating it through the Medusa Cascade. Name: The Reality Bomb Users: The Daleks and Davros Powers and Abilities: Disintegrates everything to atoms and breaks down those atoms to nothing. Attack Potency: Universe level. Multiverse level+ by detonating it in the Medusa Cascade. Range: Universal, Multiversal by detonating it in the Medusa Casacade
  • The weapon made use of the stolen planets transported to the Medusa Cascade, captured by the New Dalek Empire, along with the unique Z-Neutrino-based energy source of the Crucible. This bomb worked by cancelling out the electrical field holding atoms together, and was capable of wiping out the entire universe and all of creation, except for those within or near the Crucible, fulfilling the Daleks' stated goal of wiping out all other life in the universe many times over. Once the weapon penetrated the time rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade, it would spread into every parallel universe and alternate dimension (even the Void) as well. The reality bomb was planned to destroy all other forms of life in every universe — except for the Daleks, allowing for them to be only race in all of exi
  • Reality bomb
  • Multi-universal matter destroyer
  • Journey's End
  • Die Realitätsbombe kann ausgelöst werden, wenn sich 27 Planeten von bestimmter Größe und Rotation in der Medusa Kaskade befinden. Der Vorgang besteht darin, das mit der dadurch erzeugten Z-Neutrino-Energie alle Atome geteilt werden, die dann zu Staub zerfallen. Durch diesen diesen Vorgang wird die Wand, die Paralleluniversen und unser Universum voneinander trennt, aufgelöst, was zur Zerstörung aller Universen führt. (The Stolen Earth, Journey's End)
  • The Reality Bomb was a powerful explosive designed by the insane Davros to try and destroy all of reality, it is one of the most powerful and deadly weapons known in the Doctor Who universe.
  • The weapon made use of the stolen planets transported to the Medusa Cascade, captured by the New Dalek Empire, along with the unique Z-Neutrino-based energy source of the Crucible. This bomb worked by cancelling out the electrical field holding atoms together, and was capable of wiping out the entire universe and all of creation, except for those within or near the Crucible, fulfilling the Daleks' stated goal of wiping out all other life in the universe many times over. Once the weapon penetrated the time rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade, it would spread into every parallel universe and alternate dimension (even the Void) as well. The reality bomb was planned to destroy all other forms of life in every universe — except for the Daleks, allowing for them to be only race in all of existence. The reality bomb was actually an electromagnetic cancelling wave, the emitters of which were several large, luminous green hemispheres set into the exterior hull of the Crucible. Each hemisphere was contained within a ring of panels which resembled the slats on a Dalek casing. There was a smaller scale version located inside the Crucible which was used for a successful test firing on a group of humans. The Tenth Doctor and his companions were successful in preventing the use of the weapon on a large scale. It was shut down using an internalised synchronous back-feed reversal loop, and then destroyed when the Crucible exploded. (TV: Journey's End) The reality bomb weakened the dimensional walls, allowing some of the Cybermen that were trapped in the Void during the Battle of Canary Wharf to escape. The rest, along with the Daleks that also fought in the battle, perished, according to the Doctor. (TV: The Next Doctor)
  • Tier: 3-A. 2-A via chain reaction, by detonating it through the Medusa Cascade. Name: The Reality Bomb Users: The Daleks and Davros Powers and Abilities: Disintegrates everything to atoms and breaks down those atoms to nothing. Attack Potency: Universe level. Multiverse level+ by detonating it in the Medusa Cascade. Range: Universal, Multiversal by detonating it in the Medusa Casacade