  • Roel Failma
  • Roel Failma is a stunt performer and actor who played one of Cheng Zhi's henchmen in "Day 6: 3:00am-4:00am". His character was at the building where Josh Bauer was taken, and was involved in the gunfight that ensued between Cheng's men and CTU. He ran out of the room with Cheng, Josh, and Zhou's henchman, but was shot by Jack Bauer as he fled.
  • Roel Failma is a stunt performer and actor who played one of Cheng Zhi's henchmen in "Day 6: 3:00am-4:00am". His character was at the building where Josh Bauer was taken, and was involved in the gunfight that ensued between Cheng's men and CTU. He ran out of the room with Cheng, Josh, and Zhou's henchman, but was shot by Jack Bauer as he fled.