  • Turnip
  • Turnip
  • The Smick's favourite food, the proffesor (Hector/Vector) can pick it up and drop it wherever he wants, and if the Smick finds it and eats it, he will leave the proffesor alone.
  • A turnip was a type of plant lifeform that could be found and grown on the planet Earth, with a root component that was commonly used as a vegetable foodstuff. (TOS novel: The Rift)
  • Turnips are unusually giant turnips that have a large vine attached to it. It can be pulled to reveal a special item (usually a medal) in a similar manner to a regular jerkweed. Unlike a regular jerkweed, however, it takes at least five Kirbys to pull it down, otherwise the Kirbys will be flung off the vine. There's also a rare variation with the number 10 printed on it, and needs ten Kirbys to pull it to the ground.
  • Toad plucks a turnip from the ground and can carry it around. Unlike Peach's Vegetable, the turnip has no face on it that determines the damage output; Toad's turnip will always deal the same damage. Toad can use both of his jumps while carrying the turnip; Toad can throw his turnip farther than Peach can throw her Vegetable, and because it functions like an item, Toad can throw it in any direction and pick it up afterwards if it misses, though opponents will be able grab it as well.
  • The turnip (Brassica rapa) was a vegetable from Earth. The Doctor, speaking of the effectiveness of Vori mental manipulation techniques, told Chakotay that they could have convinced him that his mother was a turnip. (VOY: "Nemesis")
  • Turnip ist der Sohn von Gage, dem Koch von Winterfell.
  • A turnip is a vegetable. It is sometimes used an ingredient in chicken soup. It is a long skinny root vegetable.
  • Turnip (カブ夫 Kabuo?) is a character in Chrono Cross. He is the sword-bearing, living turnip that is dug up by Poshul in Home World after cooling the ground in Another World with the Water Dragon's Ice Breath or the Ice Gun item at Hermit's Hideaway.
  • Turnip is a scullion and the daughter of Gage, the cook at Winterfell.
  • Turnips are very common in this game and can be found in the ground around places. Turnips can be used to damage enemies and certain bosses. The final boss and main antagonist, Wart, weakness are Turnips and throwing some into his mouth will damage him and, eventually, defeat him.
  • Turnips are the fastest growing crop. Turnips can be cooked into stewed turnips in the embers of a fire; however they do not restore much nutrition, raw or cooked. They are likely the first vegetable becoming available in a newly started game, finally allowing the preparation of fish soup for more efficient balance between hunger and nutrients in a fish-dominated diet.
  • The Turnip is a vegetable crop available in FarmVille. It was released on March 22, 2011. Turnips cost 160 coins to grow and are harvested for 290 coins. Turnips take 16 hours to grow and earn 2 experience points per plant.
  • Added in version 1.2.0, Turnips can be grown from Turnip Seeds which randomly drop from Koru plants. The drop appears to be a rare occurrence. A turnip can be eaten for one hunger.
  • They can be processed for two Turnip Seeds, or can either be eaten directly, or can be used to make Turnip Sandwiches, Pie or Soup in the Cooking Station.
  • Turnips were a common vegetable found on Earth. Peri Brown once found herself in a dimension modelled upon a combination of the Alice in Wonderland book she had been reading and the salad she had been eating. Among the creatures she met in this world was a pair of talking turnips reminiscent of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. (COMIC: Salad Daze) Mashed turnips were served to the prisoners of Colditz Castle. (AUDIO: Colditz)
  • Turnips are small, creamy white root vegetables, tinged purple or green at the crown. They have firm, pungent, yet slightly sweet flesh that is generally cooked by boiling, braising, or stewing. Choose smaller turnips that feel heavy for their size and are firm to the touch. This root vegetable has been found all over Europe and Asia for centuries. A turnip looks larger than a radish and is a well known food source for both the root and greens. Turnips come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.
  • Turnips are thought to have been naturally selected from whales during a period of time after the Pre-Bodacious period, but before the Bodacious period. After Asia was created, the pre-turnips were trapped in a tiny sea, and shrunk as the food supply dwindled, until they resembled tiny balloons floating on the water. After they found land, they adapted quickly, burrowing with their adapted fins to catch their prey of worms, moles, and land jellyfish. It was during this period they began to resemble plants, in order to fool their predators while ensuring that they were safe from herbivores, as all herbivores know how horrible turnips taste. As their intelligence increased, the size of their brains increased until they occupied 100% of their bodies, and hence became invisible to both the nak
  • 600
  • 1200
  • 1800
cost curr type
  • coin
xp gain type
  • player
harvest curr type
  • coin
harvest curr amt
  • 290
grow time
  • 16
xp gain amt
  • 2
cost curr amt
  • 160
  • Haushalt des Hauses Stark
  • 3
  • Turnip
  • Turnip
  • vegetable
  • 62.0
  • A Total Vegetable
  • 4.0
  • Right-rhizomed
  • House Stark
  • Down Special
  • Round
  • Male
  • Damage
  • Turnips are thought to have been naturally selected from whales during a period of time after the Pre-Bodacious period, but before the Bodacious period. After Asia was created, the pre-turnips were trapped in a tiny sea, and shrunk as the food supply dwindled, until they resembled tiny balloons floating on the water. After they found land, they adapted quickly, burrowing with their adapted fins to catch their prey of worms, moles, and land jellyfish. It was during this period they began to resemble plants, in order to fool their predators while ensuring that they were safe from herbivores, as all herbivores know how horrible turnips taste. As their intelligence increased, the size of their brains increased until they occupied 100% of their bodies, and hence became invisible to both the naked and the clothed eye. With their newfound brainpower, the turnips hatched a plan to promogulate themselves across the globe, and had a hand in the rise of humanity, the subsequent invention of agriculture, and the otherwise inexplicable emergence of Scottish heritage. These days, the turnips have a greater hand in World affairs than ever before, to the extent that one of them is the President of the United States. Certainly only a fool would mess with their plans, for, as Oscar Wilde so memerobaly put it, "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay, but you'd better not mess with a turnip's!" Turnip is also the name of an Uncyclopedia contributor. He shares the general shape and colour of his namesake, while possessing none of their intelligence.
  • The Smick's favourite food, the proffesor (Hector/Vector) can pick it up and drop it wherever he wants, and if the Smick finds it and eats it, he will leave the proffesor alone.
  • A turnip was a type of plant lifeform that could be found and grown on the planet Earth, with a root component that was commonly used as a vegetable foodstuff. (TOS novel: The Rift)
  • Turnips are unusually giant turnips that have a large vine attached to it. It can be pulled to reveal a special item (usually a medal) in a similar manner to a regular jerkweed. Unlike a regular jerkweed, however, it takes at least five Kirbys to pull it down, otherwise the Kirbys will be flung off the vine. There's also a rare variation with the number 10 printed on it, and needs ten Kirbys to pull it to the ground.
  • Toad plucks a turnip from the ground and can carry it around. Unlike Peach's Vegetable, the turnip has no face on it that determines the damage output; Toad's turnip will always deal the same damage. Toad can use both of his jumps while carrying the turnip; Toad can throw his turnip farther than Peach can throw her Vegetable, and because it functions like an item, Toad can throw it in any direction and pick it up afterwards if it misses, though opponents will be able grab it as well.
  • The turnip (Brassica rapa) was a vegetable from Earth. The Doctor, speaking of the effectiveness of Vori mental manipulation techniques, told Chakotay that they could have convinced him that his mother was a turnip. (VOY: "Nemesis")
  • Turnip ist der Sohn von Gage, dem Koch von Winterfell.
  • A turnip is a vegetable. It is sometimes used an ingredient in chicken soup. It is a long skinny root vegetable.
  • Turnips are small, creamy white root vegetables, tinged purple or green at the crown. They have firm, pungent, yet slightly sweet flesh that is generally cooked by boiling, braising, or stewing. Choose smaller turnips that feel heavy for their size and are firm to the touch. This root vegetable has been found all over Europe and Asia for centuries. A turnip looks larger than a radish and is a well known food source for both the root and greens. Turnips come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Not only is this root vegetable easy to grow, but it keeps well, too. Because of this, turnips have long been popular in Great Britain and northern Europe. The white-fleshed turnip has a white skin with a purple-tinged top. The so-called yellow turnip is actually a turnip relative, the Rutabaga. Small, young turnips have a delicate, slightly sweet taste. As they age, however, their taste becomes stronger and their texture coarser, sometimes almost woody. Fresh turnips are available year-round, with the peak season from October through February. Choose heavy-for-their-size small turnips, as they are the youngsters and will be more delicately flavored and textured. The roots should be firm and the greens (if attached) bright-colored and fresh looking. Though turnips can be refrigerated, tightly wrapped, for 2 weeks, they do best in a cool (55 degrees F), well-ventilated area such as a root cellar. Before using, they should be washed, trimmed and peeled. Turnips may be boiled or steamed, then mashed or pureed. They can also be stir-fried, cubed and tossed with butter, or used raw in salads.
  • Turnip (カブ夫 Kabuo?) is a character in Chrono Cross. He is the sword-bearing, living turnip that is dug up by Poshul in Home World after cooling the ground in Another World with the Water Dragon's Ice Breath or the Ice Gun item at Hermit's Hideaway.
  • Turnip is a scullion and the daughter of Gage, the cook at Winterfell.
  • Turnips are very common in this game and can be found in the ground around places. Turnips can be used to damage enemies and certain bosses. The final boss and main antagonist, Wart, weakness are Turnips and throwing some into his mouth will damage him and, eventually, defeat him.
  • Turnips were a common vegetable found on Earth. Peri Brown once found herself in a dimension modelled upon a combination of the Alice in Wonderland book she had been reading and the salad she had been eating. Among the creatures she met in this world was a pair of talking turnips reminiscent of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. (COMIC: Salad Daze) Mashed turnips were served to the prisoners of Colditz Castle. (AUDIO: Colditz) A mixture of turnips with molasses and potatoes was once used by the Tenth Doctor to clog up proton cannons being fired upon him and Martha Jones. Having landed aboard an American schooner in the Caribbean Sea during the Quasi-War, the time travellers had to quickly prepare the mixture to thwart their attackers. The mixture gunked up the cannon's intake valve and immediately caused it to explode. (COMIC: Second Wave)
  • Turnips are the fastest growing crop. Turnips can be cooked into stewed turnips in the embers of a fire; however they do not restore much nutrition, raw or cooked. They are likely the first vegetable becoming available in a newly started game, finally allowing the preparation of fish soup for more efficient balance between hunger and nutrients in a fish-dominated diet.
  • The Turnip is a vegetable crop available in FarmVille. It was released on March 22, 2011. Turnips cost 160 coins to grow and are harvested for 290 coins. Turnips take 16 hours to grow and earn 2 experience points per plant.
  • Added in version 1.2.0, Turnips can be grown from Turnip Seeds which randomly drop from Koru plants. The drop appears to be a rare occurrence. A turnip can be eaten for one hunger.
  • They can be processed for two Turnip Seeds, or can either be eaten directly, or can be used to make Turnip Sandwiches, Pie or Soup in the Cooking Station.