  • Devstream 56
  • Devstream #56 started on July 10, 2015, @ 2 PM EST File:Devstream 56 __TOC__ Devstream Overview recaps the best parts of our bi-weekly Devstreams, giving a breakdown of what's in store for the future of Warframe's development. This week's Devstream was all about members of our Character Art team and what they've worked on in the past, how they approach their work, and what inspirations they draw from in creating Warframe's characters.
  • Devstream #56 started on July 10, 2015, @ 2 PM EST File:Devstream 56 __TOC__ Devstream Overview recaps the best parts of our bi-weekly Devstreams, giving a breakdown of what's in store for the future of Warframe's development. This week's Devstream was all about members of our Character Art team and what they've worked on in the past, how they approach their work, and what inspirations they draw from in creating Warframe's characters. Because this week was so heavily focused on the work that goes into bringing Warframe to life we highly recommend watching all of Devstream 56 here. There's no real substitute to hearing the passionate members of our team talk about what they love in real-time!