  • 1140
  • 1140
  • 1140
  • 1140
  • Isabelle ist außer sich, dass Ben sich nun endgültig von ihr trennen will und die letzten Monate mit ihr als 'Fehler' bezeichnet. Als sie mitbekommt, dass Ben sich vermutlich wegen Katja von ihr getrennt hat, beschließt sie, sein Leben zu ruinieren, so wie er es mit ihrem getan hat. Katja ist perplex, als ihr klar wird, dass Meyerhoff sexuelles Interesse an ihr hat. Doch sie weiß, etwas mit ihrem Trainer anzufangen, wäre keine gute Idee. Sie erteilt ihm deswegen eine Abfuhr. Doch die erotische Spannung zwischen ihnen ist damit nicht einfach weg. Ben weiß, dass er sein Leben ändern muss. Er zieht die Trennung von Isabelle durch, auch wenn sie es ihm nicht leicht macht. Aus Sorge, sie könne sich wieder etwas antun, bittet er Tom, ein Auge auf seine Schwester zu haben. Als er im Penthouse ein
  • Gerard meets Valerie for the first time and calls her "Miranda". Valerie becomes visibly nervous at the fact Gerard called her Miranda. He is unable to explain why he used that name and leaves in confusion. Valerie realizes that no one has called her Miranda in almost 150 years. Judah interrupted her testimony by declaring that she was lying, and that she had come to his side of her own free will. Miranda is thanked for her testimony, and she steps down, but Judah continues to yell. Amadeus pronounces him guilty, and sentences him to death. Judah curses Amadeus and all his descendants.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] 1140 was the year when the crime lord Lozla Nataniel Henk, his blue-skinned female accomplice Belima Febron and a team of scientists and guards were on Earth. They were studying Krillitane oil obtained from their thirteen Krillitane captives. They hoped many races would pay large sums for such a powerful product.
  • 1140
  • 1970-10-30
  • 1124
  • 1840
  • 1970-11-06
  • 1140
  • Isabelle ist außer sich, dass Ben sich nun endgültig von ihr trennen will und die letzten Monate mit ihr als 'Fehler' bezeichnet. Als sie mitbekommt, dass Ben sich vermutlich wegen Katja von ihr getrennt hat, beschließt sie, sein Leben zu ruinieren, so wie er es mit ihrem getan hat. Katja ist perplex, als ihr klar wird, dass Meyerhoff sexuelles Interesse an ihr hat. Doch sie weiß, etwas mit ihrem Trainer anzufangen, wäre keine gute Idee. Sie erteilt ihm deswegen eine Abfuhr. Doch die erotische Spannung zwischen ihnen ist damit nicht einfach weg. Ben weiß, dass er sein Leben ändern muss. Er zieht die Trennung von Isabelle durch, auch wenn sie es ihm nicht leicht macht. Aus Sorge, sie könne sich wieder etwas antun, bittet er Tom, ein Auge auf seine Schwester zu haben. Als er im Penthouse ein paar persönliche Sachen abholt, ahnt er nicht, dass er Isabelles Rache fürchten muss.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] 1140 was the year when the crime lord Lozla Nataniel Henk, his blue-skinned female accomplice Belima Febron and a team of scientists and guards were on Earth. They were studying Krillitane oil obtained from their thirteen Krillitane captives. They hoped many races would pay large sums for such a powerful product. However, the Tenth Doctor arrived in Worcester near the cathedral from which Henk and his minions were working. With the help of local soldier Captain Darke and the non-human Emily Parr, the Doctor put a stop to Henk's plans. (PROSE: The Krillitane Storm)
  • Gerard meets Valerie for the first time and calls her "Miranda". Valerie becomes visibly nervous at the fact Gerard called her Miranda. He is unable to explain why he used that name and leaves in confusion. Valerie realizes that no one has called her Miranda in almost 150 years. In a flashback, Valerie remembers how frightened she was of Judah, but the prosecutor, Amadeus Collins, convinced her to testify against the warlock. At the trial, Judah's head was kept covered so his eyes would not influence her testimony. Miranda revealed that Judah had killed a man named Andrew Bronson, along with his wife and two children, when he had discovered Judah's witchcraft. She described how Judah had achieved the deaths through magic and by paying homage to Satan. He had threatened her with the destruction of all whom she loved, should she ever reveal his secret. Judah interrupted her testimony by declaring that she was lying, and that she had come to his side of her own free will. Miranda is thanked for her testimony, and she steps down, but Judah continues to yell. Amadeus pronounces him guilty, and sentences him to death. Judah curses Amadeus and all his descendants. Valerie is alone in the drawing room, thinking to herself. She doesn't believe Gerard's explanation for why he called her Miranda, and becomes more nervous as she continues to think about it. Meanwhile, Gerard is back in his room and thinks about what happened at Collinwood. He approaches the Head, begging it to open its eyes and speak to him. Back at Collinwood, Quentin enters the drawing room and sees Valerie. She asks him if Gerard has any psychic powers, but Quentin says that Gerard likes to make people think he has those capabilities. Soon Daniel comes running in, asking Quentin if he has heard the news about Roxanne. Quentin says he has, and compares it to the attacks from when he was a boy in 1795. He turns and asks Valerie if she remembers those attacks as well, but Quentin stops him and sends him away. Quentin then goes to get a drink, and when he approaches the table he finds another letter addressed to him. The letter says "I will wait for you again under the tree." Quentin asks Valerie if she saw anyone come in to leave the letter, but she says she hasn't seen anyone other than him and Gerard. At Rose Cottage, Gerard continues to pace around his room and continues to become enthralled by Judah. After looking at the Head, he calms himself down and begins to laugh and wonders why he is so afraid of what is going to happen to him. He then gloats to the Head before laying down on his bed. Later, Quentin goes to the oak tree in the woods and sees a woman standing there, but it turns out to be Daphne. Daphne claims she was just out for a walk, and Quentin seems to accept her explanation, although he remains suspicious. He asks her if she is happy at Collinwood and she tells him that she is, for the most part. She admits that Samantha bothers her sometimes. After he leaves she removes the pistol from her handbag, and looks at it, questioningly. As Gerard dreams, he hears Judah's voice calling to him. He beckons Gerard to remove the cover that conceals the Head. Gerard takes off the cover and sees his own head inside the case. Gerard's head looks up and he sees Judah laughing at him. The voice of Judah says soon his mind will take over Gerard's body, and Gerard's mind will become nothing. Gerard wakes up and realizes it was just a dream, but then notices the cover has mysteriously been placed over the Head. He then wonders if his dream is about to become true.
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