  • Speech Contest
  • Speech contest
  • Before the students who are going to participate in the speech contest are chosen, students may be given a chance to show interest or practice. In this case, give students a pre-made speech to practice and deliver. It is best if you have a recording of it, so they can get an idea of the colour. Use a famous part from a speech, like the Yes we can speech. Alternatively, you could use a spoken word song, such as the sunscreen song.
  • A contest where in which contestants prepare and deliver oral presentations to be judged on skill and performance
  • Before the students who are going to participate in the speech contest are chosen, students may be given a chance to show interest or practice. In this case, give students a pre-made speech to practice and deliver. It is best if you have a recording of it, so they can get an idea of the colour. Use a famous part from a speech, like the Yes we can speech. Alternatively, you could use a spoken word song, such as the sunscreen song.
  • A contest where in which contestants prepare and deliver oral presentations to be judged on skill and performance