  • Awesome Music (band)
  • It's hardly surprising that there would be lots of Music examples for Awesome Music. So, here they are. * Classical * Country * Taylor Swift * Electronic * Hard Rock (Includes Glam Rock) * Awesome Music * Black Sabbath * Iron Maiden * Judas Priest * Metallica * Power Metal * Helloween * Kamelot * Nightwish * Therion * Technical Death Metal * National Anthems * Po P * Progressive (Both Prog. Rock and Prog. Metal) * Dream Theater * Peter Gabriel * Pink Floyd * Awesome Music * Post-Punk * Rap (Also Hip-Hop, Soul, R&B, etc.) * Kanye West * Rock * Coldplay * Foo Fighters * Gorillaz * Muse * Radiohead
  • It's hardly surprising that there would be lots of Music examples for Awesome Music. So, here they are. * Classical * Country * Taylor Swift * Electronic * Hard Rock (Includes Glam Rock) * Awesome Music * Black Sabbath * Iron Maiden * Judas Priest * Metallica * Power Metal * Helloween * Kamelot * Nightwish * Therion * Technical Death Metal * National Anthems * Po P * Progressive (Both Prog. Rock and Prog. Metal) * Dream Theater * Peter Gabriel * Pink Floyd * Awesome Music * Post-Punk * Rap (Also Hip-Hop, Soul, R&B, etc.) * Kanye West * Rock * Coldplay * Foo Fighters * Gorillaz * Muse * Radiohead