  • Core World Critics Association
  • The Core World Critics Association was an association of holodrama commentators that was composed of the some of the most influential media critics of the Core Worlds. They gathered annually to discuss the year's holofilms; in 22 BBY, the president was Jaysa Namoor. That same year, they preemptively panned the summer season of upcoming holodramas, saying that it was largely made up of mediocre sequels and other potentially bad productions.
  • The Core World Critics Association was an association of holodrama commentators that was composed of the some of the most influential media critics of the Core Worlds. They gathered annually to discuss the year's holofilms; in 22 BBY, the president was Jaysa Namoor. That same year, they preemptively panned the summer season of upcoming holodramas, saying that it was largely made up of mediocre sequels and other potentially bad productions. The films that were panned included Another Idiot's Array 2, Cataclysm Prism 4, Crimson Empire III, Whelping Day, Split Infinitive, Lightspeed Lightweight, Tenta-kill 5, and A Google of Gornts.
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