  • Holcomb Pharmaceuticals
  • Holcomb Pharmaceuticals was a Federation-based company of the 23rd century. The company was founded by the Holcomb family in the mid-to-late 23rd century. It was based on Holcomb's Planet, which was a rich source of pharmaceuticals, discovered by Harry Holcomb. It was one of the top five corporations on the planet. Holcomb's wife and daughter purchased Holcomb Pharmaceuticals and later made a profit of 12 million credits. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)
  • Holcomb Pharmaceuticals was a Federation-based company of the 23rd century. The company was founded by the Holcomb family in the mid-to-late 23rd century. It was based on Holcomb's Planet, which was a rich source of pharmaceuticals, discovered by Harry Holcomb. It was one of the top five corporations on the planet. Holcomb's wife and daughter purchased Holcomb Pharmaceuticals and later made a profit of 12 million credits. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)