  • Cat-Summoning Unit
  • This blimp, when it appears on the battlefield, will stop for around 2 seconds after having travelled a bit, then call 10 extra Catbloons to help the bloons ! If it's destroyed during the call, the call is canceled. The Cat-Summoning Unit can use the ability infinite times until it reach the exit. This blimp possesses 125 HP, which is quite low, but it usually comes in herds. When these blimps use their abilities all at once, it can be quite devastating. It first appears on round 52, and moves at the speed of a blue bloon.
  • This blimp, when it appears on the battlefield, will stop for around 2 seconds after having travelled a bit, then call 10 extra Catbloons to help the bloons ! If it's destroyed during the call, the call is canceled. The Cat-Summoning Unit can use the ability infinite times until it reach the exit. This blimp possesses 125 HP, which is quite low, but it usually comes in herds. When these blimps use their abilities all at once, it can be quite devastating. It first appears on round 52, and moves at the speed of a blue bloon. When this blimp is popped, it releases 15 Catbloons, and sometimes drops Cat Dust (1/50).