  • F-Zero GX
  • 『F-ZERO GX』(エフゼロ ジーエックス)は2003年7月25日に任天堂から発売されたニンテンドーゲームキューブ用レースゲーム。F-ZEROの第4作目。 F-ZERO GXは前作F-ZERO Xの翌年に開催された大会で、前回大会はキャプテンファルコンが優勝したものとされている。ルールやプレイ感覚はF-ZERO Xを踏襲している。しかし、前作に比べると、ループやツイストが増え、よりアクロバチックなコース設計がされている一方、前作には比較的易しいコースからあったパイプやシリンダー等は減少した。また、スライドやドリフトなどを利用したコーナリングテクニックを多用するようになり、これによりアクション性よりも純粋なレースゲームとしてのゲーム性や疾走感が増した傾向にあると言える。同時期に発売されたアーケードゲーム「F-ZERO AX」とメモリーカードを介して連動し、マシンやオリジナルマシンのパーツの追加やAXで使用できるマシンの追加が可能。 1回のグランプリにおけるコース数は減ったが、隠し要素で登場するAX CUPも含めると合計のコース数は増えている。その他に、キャプテンファルコンの視点でオリジナルのシナリオをプレイするストーリーモードが追加された。 今作はセガとのコラボレーションによって生まれた作品であり、名越稔洋率いる開発チームが開発を担当している。
  • F-Zero GX is the fouth installment in the F-Zero series and the successor to F-Zero X. The game continues the series' difficult, high-speed racing style, retaining the basic gameplay and control system from the Nintendo 64 title. A heavy emphasis is placed on track memorization and reflexes, which aids in completing the title. GX introduces a "Story Mode" element, where the player walks in the footsteps of Captain Falcon through nine chapters, completing various missions.
  • For the Nintendo Gamecube * Fly backwards and go super fast * Unrecorded score
  • F-Zero GX (エフゼロ ジーエックス) is a futuristic racing video game for the Nintendo GameCube console. Developed by Sega's Amusement Vision department and supervised and published by Nintendo, it was released in Japan, Europe and North America in 2003. F-Zero AX, the arcade counterpart of GX, uses hardware conceived from a business alliance between Nintendo, Namco and Sega. F-Zero GX runs on an enhanced version of the engine that powered Super Monkey Ball. F-Zero GX/AX was the first video game collaboration between Nintendo and Sega. The game received critical acclaim as one of the best racers of its time and the greatest racer on the GameCube platform.
  • The best and most difficult racing game ever made (unless you like the randomly generated tracks in F-Zero X, since that game offers nothing else over GX). If you ever wondered why Nintendo created the Wii, F-Zero GX is the game to look at. Nintendo and Sega finally join forces to make a game, using a Nintendo franchise for added marketing value... and it barely sells a quarter million copies. It was too difficult for casual consumption, and it was too Gamecube for hardcore consumption. F-Zero GX failed because of you, the gamer. You refused to buy challenging games like F-Zero GX, passing it up for casual tripe like Double Dash because it was Mario Kart. So Nintendo used that game as their blueprint instead. From that blueprint came the idea of gimmicking it up, and the Wii was born (prob
  • F-Zero GX is a racing video game for the GameCube released in mid-2003. It was the first in the series to be developed by Amusement Visions (a department of Sega and was correspondingly released in the arcades as F-Zero AX as part of the Triforce System.
  • 2004-03-06
  • All
  • --08-25
  • --10-31
  • 2003-07-25
  • ゲームキューブ
  • --07-25
  • --08-29
  • --10-31
  • GameCube
  • 0
  • Racing
  • レースゲーム
  • Game
  • T for Teen
  • North American box art
  • 『F-ZERO AX』と連動
  • 3
  • a
  • 任天堂
  • F-Zero GX
  • 8
  • 50
  • GameCube
  • B
  • T
  • Single-player, multiplayer
  • 1
  • x
  • PEGI:3+
  • CERO:全年齢
  • ESRB:T
  • アミューズメントビジョン
  • F-Zero GX is a racing video game for the GameCube released in mid-2003. It was the first in the series to be developed by Amusement Visions (a department of Sega and was correspondingly released in the arcades as F-Zero AX as part of the Triforce System. It is the fourth game in the series, with previous installments appearing on the SNES, Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Advance. F-Zero GX includes various racers both old and new, and features an all new story mode that places the multitude of characters within quality-made CGI movies. It's often considered one of the hardest games featured on the console, and arguably one of the hardest racers, partly due because of the story mode, which will give players a struggle early on.
  • 『F-ZERO GX』(エフゼロ ジーエックス)は2003年7月25日に任天堂から発売されたニンテンドーゲームキューブ用レースゲーム。F-ZEROの第4作目。 F-ZERO GXは前作F-ZERO Xの翌年に開催された大会で、前回大会はキャプテンファルコンが優勝したものとされている。ルールやプレイ感覚はF-ZERO Xを踏襲している。しかし、前作に比べると、ループやツイストが増え、よりアクロバチックなコース設計がされている一方、前作には比較的易しいコースからあったパイプやシリンダー等は減少した。また、スライドやドリフトなどを利用したコーナリングテクニックを多用するようになり、これによりアクション性よりも純粋なレースゲームとしてのゲーム性や疾走感が増した傾向にあると言える。同時期に発売されたアーケードゲーム「F-ZERO AX」とメモリーカードを介して連動し、マシンやオリジナルマシンのパーツの追加やAXで使用できるマシンの追加が可能。 1回のグランプリにおけるコース数は減ったが、隠し要素で登場するAX CUPも含めると合計のコース数は増えている。その他に、キャプテンファルコンの視点でオリジナルのシナリオをプレイするストーリーモードが追加された。 今作はセガとのコラボレーションによって生まれた作品であり、名越稔洋率いる開発チームが開発を担当している。
  • The best and most difficult racing game ever made (unless you like the randomly generated tracks in F-Zero X, since that game offers nothing else over GX). If you ever wondered why Nintendo created the Wii, F-Zero GX is the game to look at. Nintendo and Sega finally join forces to make a game, using a Nintendo franchise for added marketing value... and it barely sells a quarter million copies. It was too difficult for casual consumption, and it was too Gamecube for hardcore consumption. F-Zero GX failed because of you, the gamer. You refused to buy challenging games like F-Zero GX, passing it up for casual tripe like Double Dash because it was Mario Kart. So Nintendo used that game as their blueprint instead. From that blueprint came the idea of gimmicking it up, and the Wii was born (probably after a midnight session of drunk Guitar Hero).
  • F-Zero GX (エフゼロ ジーエックス) is a futuristic racing video game for the Nintendo GameCube console. Developed by Sega's Amusement Vision department and supervised and published by Nintendo, it was released in Japan, Europe and North America in 2003. F-Zero AX, the arcade counterpart of GX, uses hardware conceived from a business alliance between Nintendo, Namco and Sega. F-Zero GX runs on an enhanced version of the engine that powered Super Monkey Ball. F-Zero GX/AX was the first video game collaboration between Nintendo and Sega. The game received critical acclaim as one of the best racers of its time and the greatest racer on the GameCube platform. F-Zero GX is the fifth released installment in the F-Zero series and the successor to F-Zero X. The game continues the series' difficult, high-speed racing style, retaining the basic gameplay and control system from the Nintendo 64 game. A heavy emphasis is placed on track memorization and reflexes, which aids in completing the game. GX introduces a "story mode" element, where the player assumes the role of Captain Falcon through nine chapters while completing various missions. Overall, the game was well received by critics for its visuals, intense action, high sense of speed and track design. Complaints centered on its sharp increase in difficulty that may alienate players.
  • F-Zero GX is the fouth installment in the F-Zero series and the successor to F-Zero X. The game continues the series' difficult, high-speed racing style, retaining the basic gameplay and control system from the Nintendo 64 title. A heavy emphasis is placed on track memorization and reflexes, which aids in completing the title. GX introduces a "Story Mode" element, where the player walks in the footsteps of Captain Falcon through nine chapters, completing various missions.
  • For the Nintendo Gamecube * Fly backwards and go super fast * Unrecorded score
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