  • Fall of Narn
  • The Fall of Narn was the final confrontation of the Narn-Centauri War in 2259. Narn intelligence had shown that the Centauri supply depot on Gorash VII was lightly guarded and would be the prefect target for a military strike. The Narn hoped that, by uniting most of their remaining warships into a single armada, they could destroy the Centauri supply base and force the Centauri to temporarily halt their advance. In order to create a fleet large enough to make the assault, the defenses of the Narn homeworld were severely depleted. Ambassador Mollari relayed the information about the attack to the Shadows, and so five Shadow warships were waiting for the Narn fleet at Gorash VII. The entire Narn fleet was wiped out in orbit around Gorash when it exited hyperspace.
  • Massive
  • Minimal, if any
  • December 2259
  • Fall of Narn
  • 345600.0
  • *12 Primus class battle cruisers with mass drivers **Valerius *Vorchan class medium warships *Sentri class fighters
  • Narn orbital defenses
  • War ends, Narn surrender
  • The Fall of Narn was the final confrontation of the Narn-Centauri War in 2259. Narn intelligence had shown that the Centauri supply depot on Gorash VII was lightly guarded and would be the prefect target for a military strike. The Narn hoped that, by uniting most of their remaining warships into a single armada, they could destroy the Centauri supply base and force the Centauri to temporarily halt their advance. In order to create a fleet large enough to make the assault, the defenses of the Narn homeworld were severely depleted. Ambassador Mollari relayed the information about the attack to the Shadows, and so five Shadow warships were waiting for the Narn fleet at Gorash VII. The entire Narn fleet was wiped out in orbit around Gorash when it exited hyperspace. Meanwhile, the Centauri fleet, under the command of Antono Refa, an ally of the Shadows, launched its full scale assault on Narn. Quickly overcoming the now meager defenses, the fleet began to bombard Narn from space using mass drivers illegally fitted to their battleships. The mass drivers rained huge meteors down onto the planet's surface, reducing most of Narn's cities to rubble, killing millions of Narn civilians, and shattering the Narn's infrastructure, communication, and most other basic services. The bombing continues for four days, drawing denouncement from every other major power. After four days the Kha'Ri announced the complete and unconditional surrender of the Narn Regime.
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