  • Thomas the Trackmaster Movie Part 11: The Final Confrontation
  • Diesel 10 nearly destroys Molly, but Thomas pushes him over the cliff, saving Molly and the rest of Sodor. But Thomas falls victim to the cliff thanks to Alfred - who also falls too. What is the fate of our blue steam-powered hero? Is this the end for Thomas the Tank Engine? Characters: (in order of appearance) * Diesel 10 * Molly * Thomas * Stanley * Toby * Alfred * Sir Topham Hatt * Harold * Mavis * Boco * Eagle * Dennis * James * Duck
  • Diesel 10 nearly destroys Molly, but Thomas pushes him over the cliff, saving Molly and the rest of Sodor. But Thomas falls victim to the cliff thanks to Alfred - who also falls too. What is the fate of our blue steam-powered hero? Is this the end for Thomas the Tank Engine? Characters: (in order of appearance) * Diesel 10 * Molly * Thomas * Stanley * Toby * Alfred * Sir Topham Hatt * Harold * Mavis * Boco * Eagle * Dennis * James * Duck