  • Zyphoid
  • The Zoni had kept Zyphoids off Quantos for years, but Nefarious's scattering of the Zoni with the Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler caused the Zyphoids to return. When Ratchet and Qwark crash-landed on Quantos, they met a Fongoid Mother who told them that her three children had been attacked by Zyphoids. While Qwark stayed with the mother, Ratchet saved the three children.
  • The Zoni had kept Zyphoids off Quantos for years, but Nefarious's scattering of the Zoni with the Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler caused the Zyphoids to return. When Ratchet and Qwark crash-landed on Quantos, they met a Fongoid Mother who told them that her three children had been attacked by Zyphoids. While Qwark stayed with the mother, Ratchet saved the three children.