  • The Infinity Power
  • As stated earlier the appearance of The Infnity Power makes Jordan seem like Metatron The 10th Seraph. This may also be symbolic of the power he obtains while in this form due to just how far above others he has ascended while in this form. In religion Metatron is the most powerful Seraphic Angel and is above Archangels Cherubs and Seraphs alike. He is the strongest and most mighty divinity and is second to only Jehovah(God) himself. This is shown even more by his immense infinity power level while in this state, which lends further credence to the fact that The Infinity Power may have transformed King Jordan into a holy being of limitless chi and some have even gone so far so as to assume that Jordan is literally Metatron himself while in this form, as his power has become easily within r
  • As stated earlier the appearance of The Infnity Power makes Jordan seem like Metatron The 10th Seraph. This may also be symbolic of the power he obtains while in this form due to just how far above others he has ascended while in this form. In religion Metatron is the most powerful Seraphic Angel and is above Archangels Cherubs and Seraphs alike. He is the strongest and most mighty divinity and is second to only Jehovah(God) himself. This is shown even more by his immense infinity power level while in this state, which lends further credence to the fact that The Infinity Power may have transformed King Jordan into a holy being of limitless chi and some have even gone so far so as to assume that Jordan is literally Metatron himself while in this form, as his power has become easily within range of the of God himself. While at the Infinity power, King Jordan is so powerful that his mere existence effects the surroundings to an galactic scale. He can crush planets with a casual movement.