  • White House Press Corps
  • The White House Press Corps is the group of journalists stationed at the White House to cover the President and his staff. They have their own offices in the West Wing of the White House, travel with the President on Air Force One, and attend daily news briefings with the White House Press Secretary. Other opportunities to cover the President's activities include Presidential press conferences, photo ops, and occasional sit-down interviews. The Press Corps works closely with the Press Secretary, who controls their access to the President and the flow of information out of the White House. Because members of the press corps have a great deal of discretion in how they portray White House activities, the Press Secretary is highly motivated to maintain a good relationship with the Press Corps.
  • The White House Press Corps is the group of journalists stationed at the White House to cover the President and his staff. They have their own offices in the West Wing of the White House, travel with the President on Air Force One, and attend daily news briefings with the White House Press Secretary. Other opportunities to cover the President's activities include Presidential press conferences, photo ops, and occasional sit-down interviews. The Press Corps works closely with the Press Secretary, who controls their access to the President and the flow of information out of the White House. Because members of the press corps have a great deal of discretion in how they portray White House activities, the Press Secretary is highly motivated to maintain a good relationship with the Press Corps.