  • Moon Series (HGD)/Moon 1/Yellow Gel UFO
  • Like its cousin the Blue Gel UFO, this enemy has an attack that quickly drains a character's LP if they stand under the Yellow Gel UFO for an extended period of time. The Yellow Gel UFO's laser attack remains under the enemy, dealing damage constantly to characters in the path of the beam. As soon as this enemy is within attack range, the laser is fired continuously. Due to the Yellow Gel UFO's relatively low range, it has to fly close towards characters before it can attack, giving ranged characters a chance to defeat it at a safe distance.
peak exp
  • 500
peak lvl
  • 56
  • 1
  • 66
  • 46
  • Yellow_Gel_UFO.png
  • Like its cousin the Blue Gel UFO, this enemy has an attack that quickly drains a character's LP if they stand under the Yellow Gel UFO for an extended period of time. The Yellow Gel UFO's laser attack remains under the enemy, dealing damage constantly to characters in the path of the beam. As soon as this enemy is within attack range, the laser is fired continuously. Due to the Yellow Gel UFO's relatively low range, it has to fly close towards characters before it can attack, giving ranged characters a chance to defeat it at a safe distance.