  • Maldigestion syndrome
  • Maldigestion syndrome or disorder is also known as pancreatic insufficiency and EPI--Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency or Chronic Pancreatic Insufficiency. Unless the pancreas produces certain enzymes, digestion and proper absorption of food is not possible. This condition is not exclusive to animals--humans can also suffer from it. It is also not exclusive to diabetics, as there are other non-diabetic disorders which can affect the pancreas.
  • Maldigestion syndrome or disorder is also known as pancreatic insufficiency and EPI--Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency or Chronic Pancreatic Insufficiency. Unless the pancreas produces certain enzymes, digestion and proper absorption of food is not possible. This condition is not exclusive to animals--humans can also suffer from it. It is also not exclusive to diabetics, as there are other non-diabetic disorders which can affect the pancreas. Many pets and people suffer from this condition without having any type of diabetes. German Shepherds and rough-coated Collies are genetically predisposed to a condition called Pancreatic Acinar Atrophy, which would be a wasting or destruction of the digestive enzyme producing cells. Diabetes need not be a factor for this disease to occur, however, Cats with pancreatic insufficiency generally also have diabetes, due to damage of the endocrine pancreas as well as the exocrine area.