  • Garldak
  • Garldak (Garlenner: Dog Town), often Dogtonne was the capital city of Garlenn until CC: 3,080, when the Tower of Conquest was struck down by God King Ross Hockson (this is retroactive, as Garldak continued serving as the capital for two centuries, until it finally merged with Baiardak, and became Farbdak). It was constructed in CC: 1,279 to serve as the capital. Before that it had merely been the Tower of Conquest, a large market, and a few surrounding towns. Here, God King Ferb traveled to buy his mother's favorite fruits before she died. Instead, he made peace with a bear attacking a dog by offering him those same fruits. The dog, secretly Garlosh, the God in a Dog, at least according to myths, told him to go out and conquer the Yellow Sea.
  • Garldak (Garlenner: Dog Town), often Dogtonne was the capital city of Garlenn until CC: 3,080, when the Tower of Conquest was struck down by God King Ross Hockson (this is retroactive, as Garldak continued serving as the capital for two centuries, until it finally merged with Baiardak, and became Farbdak). It was constructed in CC: 1,279 to serve as the capital. Before that it had merely been the Tower of Conquest, a large market, and a few surrounding towns. Here, God King Ferb traveled to buy his mother's favorite fruits before she died. Instead, he made peace with a bear attacking a dog by offering him those same fruits. The dog, secretly Garlosh, the God in a Dog, at least according to myths, told him to go out and conquer the Yellow Sea.