  • Underworld Tank Zugagang Rebuilt
  • Soon after the mission begins, a gigantic tank will appear from the right. It's called Zugagang (Zoo-gah-gang). It has three attacks: it will fire arrows from the middle section; it will fire its cannons from the top section; and its spiky wheel will be able to damage you in the bottom section. Some Torimen and Dekamen will appear but they are not that threatening. Just use brute force and destroy Zugagang to finish the mission. Black Hoshipon will only run away. Back in Patapolis, Meden prepares you for the final battle.
Row 4 info
  • Patapole Kingdom
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  • Map
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  • Enemies
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  • Next Level
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  • Background Music
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  • Previous Level
Box Title
  • Level Info
Image size
  • 300
Image File
  • Map_16.png
  • Soon after the mission begins, a gigantic tank will appear from the right. It's called Zugagang (Zoo-gah-gang). It has three attacks: it will fire arrows from the middle section; it will fire its cannons from the top section; and its spiky wheel will be able to damage you in the bottom section. Some Torimen and Dekamen will appear but they are not that threatening. Just use brute force and destroy Zugagang to finish the mission. Black Hoshipon will only run away. At Lv.3, Zugagang will drop the Soft Lithograph, leading to Ganodias's Mission. It's recommended to take Mahopons because they will easily deal with Torimens and Dekamens. Also, Hatapon should not get too close to Zugagang's spiky wheel as it would be able to kill him. Back in Patapolis, Meden prepares you for the final battle.
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