  • Sperm
  • Sperm
  • Su nombre viene de la palabra espermatozoide
  • Sperm are created and stored in the testicles, then mixed with semen before ejaculation. Men create sperm cells throughout their lives, although the quantity and quality of sperm cells decrease with age.
  • The Doctor's lesson plan for Seven of Nine's instruction in interpersonal relationships, "Love Amid the Stars: A Romantic Bestiary", included information on the ovum as part of "Lesson One: First Contact". While showing her a diagram of the Human procreation process, he described the image by saying, "Here we see how fortress ovum is besieged by countless little warriors (the sperm).". When Seven told him she was familiar with the biology of sex, he skipped ahead to "Lesson two: Encounter in a Public Place." (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")
  • Rounded head, stretched tail, as white as silk, they are alive, yet they hold the most magical history humankind could ever find. Sperm usually come in groups of two or three million sperm cells. They support each other, all the while fighting their way to individualism to reach the so-called egg cell. Sperms are like hippies: they all stink, all of them are the same, but we can't just have enough of them.
  • Sperm was a biological substance involved in the reproduction of certain species, during which it was often paired with ova. In several species, sperm was produced by males and inserted into females. For instance, male sarlaccs attached to females as parasites and fed their sperm into their mates. Females of the ghest species of the planet Rodia could even access the sperm of a dead male and self-inseminate, leading to the laying of fertilized eggs. Among the gra species, genetic engineering by sentient beings was so extensive that gra sperm and ova were sold with instruction manuals.
  • 100
  • Espermatozoide
Su región
  • Azuuro
Su Dex anterior
  • Shitex
Su Dex siguiente
  • Ovell
  • 0
  • Flexibilidad
  • Amorfo
  • [Es.pern]
  • Sperm
  • 1974746
  • 2007-06-05
  • 0.030000
  • Normal
  • Psíquico
  • Blanco
  • 0.010000
  • Agua 1
forma corporal
  • 4
  • Sperm was a biological substance involved in the reproduction of certain species, during which it was often paired with ova. In several species, sperm was produced by males and inserted into females. For instance, male sarlaccs attached to females as parasites and fed their sperm into their mates. Females of the ghest species of the planet Rodia could even access the sperm of a dead male and self-inseminate, leading to the laying of fertilized eggs. Among the gra species, genetic engineering by sentient beings was so extensive that gra sperm and ova were sold with instruction manuals. In other species, the same individual produced both sperm and eggs. For instance, the silicon-based shadow barnacle of the planet Coruscant released both egg seeds and sperm pollen into the atmosphere to reproduce.
  • Rounded head, stretched tail, as white as silk, they are alive, yet they hold the most magical history humankind could ever find. Sperm usually come in groups of two or three million sperm cells. They support each other, all the while fighting their way to individualism to reach the so-called egg cell. Sperms are like hippies: they all stink, all of them are the same, but we can't just have enough of them. Most sperm cells can live up to five days, although this lifespan may vary greatly. Some people, usually aged 15 to 22 have sperm cells aged only a day, sometimes two, and when these sperms die, they need to "ejaculate" them out, literally. Others, however, can hold their sperm up to two weeks, while old people can hold theirs up to a year, possibly two. This data may seem interesting and convincing, but it does not represent the demographics of people who play World Of Warcraft and Second Life. During the production and delivery, until penetration, a sperm cell will explore many different worlds that no one could ever possibly venture to. Different colours, different atmospheres, different tastes and different pressures; they will feel all of that. A chronicle of a sperm cell. It is so cool that the word "story" was replaced by "chronicle". Some sperm, though, do not get to experience the wondrous world of baby-conceivin', for they fall victim to the cruelty of spermicide. Help stop spermicide now. Write your congressman and tell him or her to vote "yes" on HR 1369. You'll be glad you did.
  • Su nombre viene de la palabra espermatozoide
  • Sperm are created and stored in the testicles, then mixed with semen before ejaculation. Men create sperm cells throughout their lives, although the quantity and quality of sperm cells decrease with age.
  • The Doctor's lesson plan for Seven of Nine's instruction in interpersonal relationships, "Love Amid the Stars: A Romantic Bestiary", included information on the ovum as part of "Lesson One: First Contact". While showing her a diagram of the Human procreation process, he described the image by saying, "Here we see how fortress ovum is besieged by countless little warriors (the sperm).". When Seven told him she was familiar with the biology of sex, he skipped ahead to "Lesson two: Encounter in a Public Place." (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")