  • Help someone escape
  • From: [[]] He says that he's been here for months, ever since he was kidnapped by Mr Inch. A humble stage magician who tried to make a tiger disappear. He misses his family. Can you help? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • What did they want him for?
Failure title
  • What happened?
  • 104
Failure description
  • […]He turns to thank you and... something. You're not sure what, but […] three hours have passed[…] Your hands are laced with slices from fragments of a mirror. There is a hot, damp haze in the air, like a jungle.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The third coil
Success description
  • You choose a quiet moment to spring the locks and lead your new friend to a little-used tunnel.[…]He's not going back to stage magic. Too dangerous. There are things. Things that live behind mirrors.[…]He's going to find his family and run.
  • He says that he's been here for months, ever since he was kidnapped by Mr Inch. A humble stage magician who tried to make a tiger disappear. He misses his family. Can you help?
  • From: [[]] He says that he's been here for months, ever since he was kidnapped by Mr Inch. A humble stage magician who tried to make a tiger disappear. He misses his family. Can you help? [Find the rest of the story at ]