  • No Party Like a Donner Party
  • We're out of food. Now what? That guy in the bucket hat is looking pretty tasty. Why don't we Just Eat Gilligan? Literally? This trope is the ugly side of exploration. The characters are out of food, and resort to cannibalism not because they like it, but because they have no other choice. It's that or starve. Named for the famous example of the Donner Party, who ate the bodies of their comrades who had died of hunger. Compare Eat the Dog, Reduced to Ratburgers. Contrast I'm a Humanitarian, where the eater truly enjoys eating human. Examples of No Party Like a Donner Party include:
  • We're out of food. Now what? That guy in the bucket hat is looking pretty tasty. Why don't we Just Eat Gilligan? Literally? This trope is the ugly side of exploration. The characters are out of food, and resort to cannibalism not because they like it, but because they have no other choice. It's that or starve. Named for the famous example of the Donner Party, who ate the bodies of their comrades who had died of hunger. Compare Eat the Dog, Reduced to Ratburgers. Contrast I'm a Humanitarian, where the eater truly enjoys eating human. Examples of No Party Like a Donner Party include: