  • Patent Law Treaty
  • The Patent Law Treaty (PLT), adopted by WIPO in June of 2000, entered into force on April 28, 2005. The PLT is the product of several years of multilateral negotiations on harmonizing global patent systems. The PLT harmonizes certain patent application procedures in order to reduce or eliminate formalities and the potential for loss of rights. The PLT does not harmonize substantive patent law, that is, the laws of each country that set forth the conditions that must be met in order to receive a patent for an invention in that country. WIPO, however, is holding discussions regarding harmonization of substantive patent law.
  • The Patent Law Treaty (PLT), adopted by WIPO in June of 2000, entered into force on April 28, 2005. The PLT is the product of several years of multilateral negotiations on harmonizing global patent systems. The PLT harmonizes certain patent application procedures in order to reduce or eliminate formalities and the potential for loss of rights. The PLT does not harmonize substantive patent law, that is, the laws of each country that set forth the conditions that must be met in order to receive a patent for an invention in that country. WIPO, however, is holding discussions regarding harmonization of substantive patent law. The PLT will make it easier for patent applicants and patent owners to obtain and maintain patents throughout the world by simplifying and, to a large degree, merging national and international formal requirements associated with patent applications and patents.