  • Ajira Flight 316
  • Ajira Airways Flight 316 was a scheduled passenger flight from Los Angeles, California, United States to Guam, a U.S. territory in the western Pacific. It was due to reach Guam via a stop in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, on a Boeing 737 owned and operated by Ajira Airways and piloted by Frank Lapidus. It was chosen by Eloise Hawking as a flight for the Oceanic Six to use to return to the Island. The plane crash-landed on Hydra Island in 2007. While some members of the Oceanic Six were teleported onto the Island in 1977 (Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid), most of the passengers survived the crash, though some with minor or severe injuries. 14 days later, Frank flew the plane off Hydra Island with Kate, Claire, Richard, Sawyer, and Miles on board.
  • Ajira 316 was chosen by Eloise Hawking as the flight that would return the Oceanic 6 back to the island. Flight 316 was a Boeing 737 and departed LAX at 11:30am. Approximately 10 hours later, Flight 316 flew through the Island's window. Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Hurley were teleported directly to the Island in 1977. The airplane time-flashed from night to day. Frank Lapidus and Jack Ross managed to land the plane on Hydra Island's runway though Jack Ross was impaled by a tree branch which went through the cockpit's windshield. 14 days later Frank, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, and Richard flew off the Island on the plane.
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  • Ajira Airways Flight 316
  • If you... want to return, you need to recreate as best you can the circumstances that brought
  • JACK: And what if we can't get anyone else to come with us? What if we're it?
  • MS. HAWKING: All I can tell you is the result would be... unpredictable.
  • you there in the first place. That means as many of the same people as you are able to bring with you.
  • Ajira Airways Boeing 737
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  • A ticketing agent asks for Jack's signatory to transport Jeremy Bentham's body.
  • A white flash immerses the cabin.
  • Ajira 316 is glimpsed by a dying Jack.
  • Ajira 316 leaves Hydra Island.
  • Ben is confronted by Hurley on the plane.
  • Flight 316 after landing on Hydra Island's runway.
  • Flight 316 was to fly through the Island's window.
  • Hurley buys the remaining seats.
  • Hurley's ticket seen at Lost: The Auction.
  • Ilana escorts a handcuffed Sayid across terminal.
  • Sawyer finding Ajira 316.
  • Sawyer's team approach the Ajira plane.
  • The plane, moments before landing on the runway on Hydra Island.
  • Frank noticing the Oceanic Six on-board his flight.
  • Ajira Airways Flight 316 was a scheduled passenger flight from Los Angeles, California, United States to Guam, a U.S. territory in the western Pacific. It was due to reach Guam via a stop in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, on a Boeing 737 owned and operated by Ajira Airways and piloted by Frank Lapidus. It was chosen by Eloise Hawking as a flight for the Oceanic Six to use to return to the Island. The plane crash-landed on Hydra Island in 2007. While some members of the Oceanic Six were teleported onto the Island in 1977 (Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid), most of the passengers survived the crash, though some with minor or severe injuries. 14 days later, Frank flew the plane off Hydra Island with Kate, Claire, Richard, Sawyer, and Miles on board.
  • Ajira 316 was chosen by Eloise Hawking as the flight that would return the Oceanic 6 back to the island. Flight 316 was a Boeing 737 and departed LAX at 11:30am. Approximately 10 hours later, Flight 316 flew through the Island's window. Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Hurley were teleported directly to the Island in 1977. The airplane time-flashed from night to day. Frank Lapidus and Jack Ross managed to land the plane on Hydra Island's runway though Jack Ross was impaled by a tree branch which went through the cockpit's windshield. 14 days later Frank, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, and Richard flew off the Island on the plane.