  • Nechetta
  • A war like race, even more so then the orcs ever were. The nechetta lifespan averages 50-80 years, the reason behind this average number is because they keep dying in war. Their oldest known members have gotten to be up to a hundred and fifty before dying. Their short lifespan has made them desire glory, and battle was the easiest way to that. Lareus at Wikia * Recent changes * * Subpages * Connections * Editing tutorial
  • A war like race, even more so then the orcs ever were. The nechetta lifespan averages 50-80 years, the reason behind this average number is because they keep dying in war. Their oldest known members have gotten to be up to a hundred and fifty before dying. Their short lifespan has made them desire glory, and battle was the easiest way to that. Lareus at Wikia * Recent changes * * Subpages * Connections * Editing tutorial