  • Script Swap
  • A Script Swap occurs when either by accident or by external mischief, someone winds up reading or following a different document than what they're supposed to, and does so without at any point noticing the mixup. A common trick to pull on the Cartoon Conductor. Whether or not this is Truth in Television is a question someone more psychologically educated than myself will have to answer. See also Oh Wait, This Is My Grocery List.
  • A Script Swap occurs when either by accident or by external mischief, someone winds up reading or following a different document than what they're supposed to, and does so without at any point noticing the mixup. Setting one of these up is a common Adventure Game-exclusive Stock Puzzle. The structure is simple: you've got a character in the middle of reading a speech/playing a song/giving someone instructions. Your life would be a whole lot easier if that speech/song/set of instructions was different. So you inform the character of the three-headed monkey sneaking up behind them, then swap their speech/lyrics sheet/instructions booklet with another one you acquired by irrelevant means. A common trick to pull on the Cartoon Conductor. Whether or not this is Truth in Television is a question someone more psychologically educated than myself will have to answer. See also Oh Wait, This Is My Grocery List.