  • Attend a dance
  • From: [[]] Dances are sometimes furtively held at the far ends of the Palace. Dancing slippers are muffled with thick carpets. The brass section uses tablecloths as dampeners. Nonetheless, the dance continues. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • As if on air
Failure title
  • Out of time
  • 93
Failure description
  • You spin. You twirl. You find yourself at the far end of the room, unable to hear the ensemble. What happens next is far from elegant.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Attend to Matters of Romance
Success description
  • […] Every eye is on the dancers. You step. You glide. A baronet applauds silently. A junior minister nods at you as you pass. Who could resist you? You receive many letters declaring passion and devotion.
  • Dances are sometimes furtively held at the far ends of the Palace. Dancing slippers are muffled with thick carpets. The brass section uses tablecloths as dampeners. Nonetheless, the dance continues.
  • From: [[]] Dances are sometimes furtively held at the far ends of the Palace. Dancing slippers are muffled with thick carpets. The brass section uses tablecloths as dampeners. Nonetheless, the dance continues. [Find the rest of the story at ]