  • Despair Squid
  • Despair Squids are one of the types of creatures created through a terraforming and sped-up evolution effort by the crew of the SSS Esperanto on an ocean moon in Deep Space. Although the terraforming results were off the predicted charts, filling the ocean moon with lifeforms, the Despair Squids developed a unique hunting ability - their ink would induce absolute hope (in the case of the females) or absolute despair (in the case of the males) in their prey, taking away both the flight and fight instincts of their prey and the Despair Squids quickly became top of the food chain due to this trait.
  • "Back to Reality", Back to Earth
  • SSS Esperanto, Ocean Moon, Water Tank of Red Dwarf
  • N/A
  • Despair Squid
  • Male Squid, Female Squid
  • Despair Squids are one of the types of creatures created through a terraforming and sped-up evolution effort by the crew of the SSS Esperanto on an ocean moon in Deep Space. Although the terraforming results were off the predicted charts, filling the ocean moon with lifeforms, the Despair Squids developed a unique hunting ability - their ink would induce absolute hope (in the case of the females) or absolute despair (in the case of the males) in their prey, taking away both the flight and fight instincts of their prey and the Despair Squids quickly became top of the food chain due to this trait. In the end the Squids were too great a predator and even killed the Esperanto crew, causing them to commit suicide, and also simultaneously destroying most of the terraformed ocean planet's life, to the point that even fish killed themselves by voluntarily closing their gills.
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