  • Group Seven
  • One of the groups in which the colonists newly arrived at Durringham (Lalonde) in 2611 were divided. It was tasked to found and tend Aberdale, a newly planned settlement in upper Schuster County. Group Seven included: * the Skibbow family (Brussels) * Father Horst * the Hilton family * the McBride family * Brigitte Hearn The appointed sheriff was Powell Manani. Eighteen ivets were allocated to Group Seven.
  • One of the groups in which the colonists newly arrived at Durringham (Lalonde) in 2611 were divided. It was tasked to found and tend Aberdale, a newly planned settlement in upper Schuster County. Group Seven included: * the Skibbow family (Brussels) * Father Horst * the Hilton family * the McBride family * Brigitte Hearn The appointed sheriff was Powell Manani. Eighteen ivets were allocated to Group Seven.