  • Unmakase Uzumaki
  • Unmakase was born on a rather warm January. Her hair was as red as the rubies that the village had began discovering hidden within the stone mines. Her constant desire to strive for something great led her parents to choose her own path. When it was decided she wanted to become a taijutsu master, they told her a tale of a hidden monastery of monks deep within the mountains far to the east of Iwagakure. Following those stories, she began searching for the monastery at the age of seven. That year proved grueling as she began discovering the threats that lay hidden within the Land of Earth's most isolated territories. Bandits and beasts were a common sight for her as she kept searching for the monastery. She was beaten down by the bandits that encountered her, but her Uzumaki endurance ensure
  • 14
  • Cristina Valenzuela
  • 16
  • Haruka Tomatsu
  • Uzumaki Unmakase
  • 18
  • Monks of Stone, Monastery of Stone
  • A Diamond Among Stones
  • Ferocious Ruby
  • Flying Light of Stone
  • Unbroken Soul
  • Unmakase Uzumaki
  • 11
  • 18
  • --01-02
  • 51.0
  • 18
  • うずまきうんまかせ
  • 150.0
  • Tsuchikage
  • Grandmaster of the Monks of Stone
  • Body Flicker Technique
  • Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique
  • Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique
  • Earth Release: Ultra-Added-Weight Rock Technique
  • All Basic Techniques
  • Lion Combo
  • Grandmaster
  • 18
  • AB
  • Unmakase was born on a rather warm January. Her hair was as red as the rubies that the village had began discovering hidden within the stone mines. Her constant desire to strive for something great led her parents to choose her own path. When it was decided she wanted to become a taijutsu master, they told her a tale of a hidden monastery of monks deep within the mountains far to the east of Iwagakure. Following those stories, she began searching for the monastery at the age of seven. That year proved grueling as she began discovering the threats that lay hidden within the Land of Earth's most isolated territories. Bandits and beasts were a common sight for her as she kept searching for the monastery. She was beaten down by the bandits that encountered her, but her Uzumaki endurance ensured she survived the attacks. This led to bandits keeping their distance from her, touting her as unkillable. After a year, she finally found the monastery. The monks saw her tattered clothes, her mangy hair and beaten up disposition, her eyes welled up with blood. They saw that she fought to get here, leading her to be worthy of their training. At the age of eight, her training began, and it was already grueling at the start. Her training began with them tying small boulders to her wrists and ankles. They'd keep them on there until her body built up the strength to lift her arms and move her legs, a sort of muscle adaptation training method they had used for centuries. For weeks, she couldn't move, the heavy boulders pulling her down to the ground. But after a month, she could finally begin moving her arms. Her movement followed suit, allowing her to walk with the boulders on her legs. Then came the next step of her training; They'd fight her while the boulders were still on, to strengthen her survival instincts. They spared no mercy on her training. Eventually, her body adapted to the training, allowing her adrenaline to kick in, giving her the strength to fight them back. The next step of her training would be to strengthen herself enough to where her natural strength equals her adrenaline's strength. For the next two years, the boulders became heavier as her training got more intense. During this time, they allowed her to enroll into the academy, increasing the frequency of her post mission training to compensate for her time away from the monastery. When she graduated at the age of twelve, her training continued on, becoming more intense with each passing day. But her soul still remained unbroken, even when her body was broken time and time again. This led to them giving her a monastery name, which is a title they all hold. For her unbroken soul, they named her Rururei, which means "Unbroken Soul". As her training continued on, her strength and speed continued to become sharper and sharper. When she turned thirteen, she was selected as a candidate for the Chunin Exams. This was where her training got its most intense. The boulders tied to her wrists and ankles were the size of her head as they began training her to prepare for the Exams. For the next several months preceding the Exams, she trained harder and harder, harder than she had ever trained in her life. She ended up breaking her arms and ankles six times during this training, having them healed up by the monastery's healers. This gave her an incredible aversion to pain, which was apparent when she'd spar against the other monks. Every hit she took, she didn't even flinch or grimace. This led to some of the monks calling her Keigunikkaku, meaning "A Diamond Among Stones" for her incredible durability. When the Chunin Exams began, she was ridiculed for her simple clothes and her odd, red hair. But she ignored the constant teasing. Iwagakure's Chunin Exams were a bit different, in that it was set up as an elimination style tournament bout, where all Chunin elects were faced against each other. It was here that all her efforts to train her taijutsu paid off. Even the most elite taijutsu users Iwagakure could muster were no match for her. Ninjutsu users couldn't even react fast enough to her speed. And her unbreakable will gave her resistance to even the most renowned Genjutsu users. She pushed through the opposition with an indomitable spirit and made it straight to the finals. It was here that word got out of her skills. Those who were faced up against her would end up forfeiting, choosing not to tangle with the ferocity of Unmakase's taijutsu. By the end of it, only her and one other Genin were left. A skilled taijutsu user, one of the very best in Iwagakure's academy at the time of his graduation. He underestimated Unmakase, calling her victories "luck". That was his first mistake. The second mistake was letting her get the first punch in. Not holding back, she stepped on the ground with enough force to smash through it. The punch that connected hit him hard enough to to send him through the wall of the arena, lending to his quick defeat. For her skills in taijutsu, she was given the rank of Tokubetsu Jōnin. After she turned sixteen, her training truly began. She was pushed further than she ever was before, her body broken more times than the beginning of her training combined. But it was all for a purpose; She was being trained to become the next grandmaster of the Monks of Stone. Their current grandmaster was dying, and he chose Unmakase to become the next grandmaster. As such, she needed to be trained completely in the arts of Crushing Stone. She was pushed harder than she ever was since her training began eight years ago. Her body broken and rehealed numerous times, and she kept count of it all. For two, long years, her training persisted, breaking and shaping her into the diamond that would lead the Monks of Stone as grandmaster. At the end of her training, she was stronger than she ever was, faster than ever, and most importantly, wiser than ever. On the final day of the grandmaster's life, he passed on his title to Unmakase before dying in his sleep the following night. Unmakase helped construct a funeral pyre out of the stones around the monastery, for she believed he deserved a warrior's farewell. As the straw was laid within the pyre, they rested his body within and placed the rest of the straw upon his body before setting it alight. As his body burned, his spirit passed on to the next life, and Unmakase's status of grandmaster was complete. After her acceptance as grandmaster, the Jashinist threat made its way to Iwagakure. With the Monks of Stone, she helped protect Iwagakure from the Jashinists as much as she could. For weeks, the battle against them continued, and the Monks of Stone were somewhat successful in pushing them back each time. For her valiant efforts, the previous Tsuchikage, who felt she was becoming too old to continue retaining the mantle, named Unmakase as the new Tsuchikage. Under her rule, the Monks of Stone became part of her personal guard. In the ever growing war against the Jashinists, this helped give Iwagakure an edge in protecting the village. But even their combined might were not enough. For months, they have been pushing back the Jashinists, but their attacks grew more and more persistant. Eventually, their efforts were pushed back, and the Jashinists succeeded in destroying Iwagakure with their combined might. Though the village was destroyed, thanks to Unmakase's efforts, there were no casualties at the hands of the Jashinists. After the destruction, the Jashinists pulled out of the Land of Earth in pursuit of their next target, while Unmakase began helping the people in their efforts to recover.