  • Jefferies tube
  • Jefferies tubes are maintenance and access tubes in most Starfleet vessels. Through these tubes engineering crew can access ship systems for repair or maintenance. In the event of emergencies or when the turbolifts are not operational they can be used to navigate around a vessel.
  • Jefferies tubes provide access to numerous systems and are most frequently used by engineers to carry out maintenance and repairs. Tubes can also be used as alternate routes should the normal corridors and turbolifts be cut off, and the knowledge of Jefferies tube networks by a ship's crew can often be used to provide a tactical advantage in a boarding situation. (TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins) After Starfleet arrived on Terok Nor and renamed it Deep Space 9, the Cardassian equivalent, tiyerta nok, became known as Jefferies tubes. (DS9 novels: The Fall of Terok Nor, Inferno)
  • Jefferies tubes could also be used for fitness training exercises. (VOY: "Learning Curve") Geordi La Forge sarcastically remarked that starship designers consider Jefferies tubes "easy access." (TNG: "Power Play" )
  • Jefferies tubes are maintenance and access tubes in most Starfleet vessels. Through these tubes engineering crew can access ship systems for repair or maintenance. In the event of emergencies or when the turbolifts are not operational they can be used to navigate around a vessel.
  • Jefferies tubes provide access to numerous systems and are most frequently used by engineers to carry out maintenance and repairs. Tubes can also be used as alternate routes should the normal corridors and turbolifts be cut off, and the knowledge of Jefferies tube networks by a ship's crew can often be used to provide a tactical advantage in a boarding situation. (TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins) After Starfleet arrived on Terok Nor and renamed it Deep Space 9, the Cardassian equivalent, tiyerta nok, became known as Jefferies tubes. (DS9 novels: The Fall of Terok Nor, Inferno)
  • Jefferies tubes could also be used for fitness training exercises. (VOY: "Learning Curve") Geordi La Forge sarcastically remarked that starship designers consider Jefferies tubes "easy access." (TNG: "Power Play" )
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