  • Herakles
  • Herakles
  • Herakles
  • Kategoria:Krypta HERAKLES - rodzaj rekawicy wspomaganej który miał pojawić się w anulowanym Van Buren. Broń ta jest obecna w plikach dema technologicznego tej gry.
  • <default>Herakles</default> BildWiki.png Titel Herkunft Zugehörigkeit Familie Werk Herkules (auch Herakles) war ein Schützling der Athene und Sohn des Zeus. Später wurde Herkules von den Göttern auf den Olymp aufgenommen, nachdem er zwölf unmögliche Aufgaben gemeistert hatte, die ihm als Sühne dafür auferlegt wurde, dass er in einen Anfall von Wahnsinn, der ihm von der eifersüchtigen Hera auferlegt worden war, seine Frau und ihre gemeinsamen drei Kinder erschlagen hatte. Sie wurden ihm von König Eurystheus gestellt, in den zwölf Jahren, die er für ihn arbeiten musste.
  • Herakles (tunnetaan myös nimellä Hercules) oli voimakkaimpia sankareita Kreikan-mytologiassa.
  • Herakles was said to possess extraordinary strength, splendid wit, outstanding courage, and legendary sexual prowess that both men and women were drawn to. Herakles was said to have temperament that could change like the tides; he was extremely passionate and emotional capable of great deeds and helping his friends; he could however also be a bitter enemy who could and would carry out a terrible vengeance.
  • Herakles (gr. Ἡρακλῆς lub Ἡρακλέης Heraklees, a także łac. Herkules) to jeden z herosów w mitologii greckiej, syn Zeusa i zwykłej śmiertelniczki Alkmeny. W mitologii rzymskiej jego odpowiednikiem jest Herkules. Znany był z wielkiej siły, męstwa, zapaśnictwa i umiejętności wojennych, zwłaszcza celnego strzelania z łuku. Lubiany przez Zeusa i Atenę, był prześladowany przez zazdrosną Herę.
  • Herakles was a crew member aboard the Blue Turtle and served as a jack of all trades; at times he steered the ship, and even stood in as cook. He found Ben and Ned after they fell from the cliffs at the Santa Filomena Convent.
  • The Herakles was a battlecruiser in service to the Dominion Fleet. After the Battle of Char, its crew sided with Valerian Mengsk in the conflict that broke out between his forces and those loyal to Arcturus Mengsk.
  • Herakles was considered the greatest of heroes, however his intelligence was limited to waging war, and killing beasts and monsters. Herakles relied on his strength and knowledge of weapons to defeat his enemies, rather than cunning such as Theseus, and in a later generation, Odysseus. There was only one occasion where Herakles managed to successfully use trickery on an enemy and that was merely because his enemy was Atlas, the second least intelligent Titan (the least being Epimetheus).
  • Herakles is a magic spell in Vagrant Story. It is one of Sorcery Spells that Ashley Riot learns from a Grimoire. Ashley learns Herakles from the Grimoire Intensite, dropped by the Harpy at the Undercity East. Herakles is a stats-modifying spell, as casting it increases the strength of the player character by 1/10 of his base STR value. The spell costs 12 MP and induces the status STR-UP. In Battle Mode, when casting the spell, the range shape is spheroid and it affects a single target. Herakles can also be affected by equipping Gems.
  • Griechenland
  • Late 2504
  • Vater: Zeus, Mutter: Alkmene, Ehefrauen: Megara, Omphale, Deianeira, Auge, Hebe
  • Der berühmte Farnesische Herakles.
  • Poseiden
  • Terran Dominion :Dominion Fleet Dominion Renegades
  • Greece
  • Herakles
  • Herakles
God of
  • God of strength, heroes, sports, athletes, fertility, agriculture, and the divine protector of mankind
Character Name
  • Herakles
  • white
  • red
  • background:#ff8080
  • Club, Nemean Lion, Bow and Arrows
major cult centres
  • TBA
  • Voyage of Slaves
  • der Name bedeutet übersetzt etwa: "Der sich an Hera Ruhm erwarb".
  • Male
  • Terran
  • Jupiter and Alcmene
  • Nearly 6,000
  • 1703
  • Herakles Farnese.jpg
  • Kategoria:Krypta HERAKLES - rodzaj rekawicy wspomaganej który miał pojawić się w anulowanym Van Buren. Broń ta jest obecna w plikach dema technologicznego tej gry.
  • Herakles was considered the greatest of heroes, however his intelligence was limited to waging war, and killing beasts and monsters. Herakles relied on his strength and knowledge of weapons to defeat his enemies, rather than cunning such as Theseus, and in a later generation, Odysseus. There was only one occasion where Herakles managed to successfully use trickery on an enemy and that was merely because his enemy was Atlas, the second least intelligent Titan (the least being Epimetheus). While Herakles was very loyal to friends, he did not forget nor forgive insults or broken promises made to him, such as when Augeas refused to pay Herakles for cleaning his stables. After the labors Herakles waged war against him. Herakles was also harder on himself than anyone else when he made mistakes. For example, when he killed his first wife and their children due to madness brought on by Hera, his friends and the community and general recognized his actions were not his fault and he was not to blame. Herakles however thought different and became intent on performing some sort of penance. This brought about the Twelve Labors of Herakles.
  • <default>Herakles</default> BildWiki.png Titel Herkunft Zugehörigkeit Familie Werk Herkules (auch Herakles) war ein Schützling der Athene und Sohn des Zeus. Später wurde Herkules von den Göttern auf den Olymp aufgenommen, nachdem er zwölf unmögliche Aufgaben gemeistert hatte, die ihm als Sühne dafür auferlegt wurde, dass er in einen Anfall von Wahnsinn, der ihm von der eifersüchtigen Hera auferlegt worden war, seine Frau und ihre gemeinsamen drei Kinder erschlagen hatte. Sie wurden ihm von König Eurystheus gestellt, in den zwölf Jahren, die er für ihn arbeiten musste.
  • The Herakles was a battlecruiser in service to the Dominion Fleet. After the Battle of Char, its crew sided with Valerian Mengsk in the conflict that broke out between his forces and those loyal to Arcturus Mengsk. As the battle progressed, the ship took damage, but responded to Valerian's order to meet at designated point of clear space within the Char system. The Herakles succeeded, and entered warp space with the rest of Valerian's fleet. Unfortunately, the Dominion Fleet gave chase and the ship took more damage. It reported that it was unlikely to be able to make another jump to warp space without effecting repairs first. Still, it made the jump alongside the Bucephalus and Hyperion—all that remained of Valerian's fleet by this point. Also by this point, its crew had suffered heavy casualties. In the interlude that followed, the crews of the Hyperion and Bucephalus searched for bugs that were allowing Arcturus to trace their position. In this time period, the Herakles's crew was transferred to the two ships. Soon enough, the Dominion Fleet arrived. As per a plan devised by Matt Horner, Captain Roger Merriman, speaking from Valerian's personal suite, gave the impression of a suicide run, sending the ship on a collision course with the White Star. While suicide wasn't on the cards, the run itself was genuine (as the ship was being guided by its adjutant) and the Herakles collided into Arcturus's flagship, doing great damage.
  • Herakles (tunnetaan myös nimellä Hercules) oli voimakkaimpia sankareita Kreikan-mytologiassa.
  • Herakles was said to possess extraordinary strength, splendid wit, outstanding courage, and legendary sexual prowess that both men and women were drawn to. Herakles was said to have temperament that could change like the tides; he was extremely passionate and emotional capable of great deeds and helping his friends; he could however also be a bitter enemy who could and would carry out a terrible vengeance.
  • Herakles is a magic spell in Vagrant Story. It is one of Sorcery Spells that Ashley Riot learns from a Grimoire. Ashley learns Herakles from the Grimoire Intensite, dropped by the Harpy at the Undercity East. Herakles is a stats-modifying spell, as casting it increases the strength of the player character by 1/10 of his base STR value. The spell costs 12 MP and induces the status STR-UP. In Battle Mode, when casting the spell, the range shape is spheroid and it affects a single target. Herakles can also be affected by equipping Gems. Its counterpart is Degenerate, a Sorcery spell that cancels Herakles' effect upon use. Herakles is also removed whenever the player character exists from a room.
  • Herakles (gr. Ἡρακλῆς lub Ἡρακλέης Heraklees, a także łac. Herkules) to jeden z herosów w mitologii greckiej, syn Zeusa i zwykłej śmiertelniczki Alkmeny. W mitologii rzymskiej jego odpowiednikiem jest Herkules. Znany był z wielkiej siły, męstwa, zapaśnictwa i umiejętności wojennych, zwłaszcza celnego strzelania z łuku. Lubiany przez Zeusa i Atenę, był prześladowany przez zazdrosną Herę.
  • Herakles was a crew member aboard the Blue Turtle and served as a jack of all trades; at times he steered the ship, and even stood in as cook. He found Ben and Ned after they fell from the cliffs at the Santa Filomena Convent.
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